The Funny Thing About Love Is....
~ you don't see it coming until it has already hit you
~ you can't stop it no matter what
~ it' great!...until it leaves
~ it's one of the most dangerous natural disasters
~ it can break you, or make you
~ it can make you fly higher than a kite
~ it messes with the way you see things
~ you know it's there, but don't pay attention until you are love's bitch
~ it makes you do irrational things
~ it affects people differently, yet the same
~ the less you think you have, the more you want of it
~ it won't be silenced or stopped
~ it is best when mutual
~ it doesn't care if you believe in it or not, love will get you
...we have no control over it, love reigns us regardless.
Unknown "pretty Danicia" Tired
- 16 years, 10 months, 21 days ago