Do you watch the vapors rise with the morning sun
Do you watch the dust settle as the sun goes down
Sunrise sunset, sunrise sunset
An inescapable cycle of time itself
Sunrise sunset, sunrise sunset
How comforting, serene, the prison of life is
Bound by laws written by no one yet obeyed by all
Do you prefer the smothering blanket of the night sky
Do you prefer the revealing light of the day
Do you yearn to feel the freedom enjoyed by our ancestors
Or do you want the feeling of your shackles to stay
Its a twist, a farce, a treachery
A riddle without a key
From your first breath to your last
This is what you have to be
Its a joke without a punchline
Its a jester's last dance
The predator watches, tauntingly
Its prey without a chance
Its a flip of a one sided coin
Playing poker without the cards
When you might possibly reach the impossible
But its just too hard
~ by Me!
Not so much a tale. More a bunch of thoughts about life bundled into a poem package.
Unknown "Ball!" Uncertain
- 17 years, 2 months, 19 days ago