um not sure how this works but here goes lol... this is d tale of how one of my best friends fractured my foot! It was a normal friday night and one of our mutual friends who had just recently moved to Emerald had come back to visit us. We started the night off drinkin at a mates place then we ventured out to the cri the local nightclub, all was going well we were all havin fun n drinkin plenty n then in the middle of dancing it happened my friend jumped on my foot! Something that usually would not have been a problem lead to serious pain... as i didn't want to go home i did what any reasonable person would do ;). I drank more tequila to take d pain away. So at the end of the night after $200 worth of tequila and the drinks i'd had previous to going out, i was very drunk but i could still tell my foot hurt... this however did not stop another friend of mine from makin me walk 4 blocks to ricks pies and then another block and a half to d taxi to get home. What happened to the friend who broke my foot you might ask well she abandoned me in the persuit of more fun. So i somehow made it up all my stairs after havin a minor disagreement with the door which didn't want to let me in lol (nothing to do with how drunk i was of course ;)) and to my bed, with the hope of wakin up n the pain would have eased in my foot. Only to be woken up a couple hours later by the friend who fractured my foot to let her in my window, once i had managed that and gone back to sleep i woke up the next day and inevitably the pain was not gone and walking was no fun at all. I however managed to make it out to lunch with my friend who was visiting from Emerald then i was done... 5 hours later after arriving at A&E they decided i had a fractured foot, so i was put in a backslab n sent home with my crutches. Then a month later i finally got the operation to put the screw in my foot and am waiting to get a cast i can walk on on the 11/5/08. I still hate crutches with a passion but all i want now is to be able to walk unaided and dance properly again. I remain friends with the one who fractured my foot, even though many poeple have said i need to get better friends but she didn't mean it and i'm a pretty forgiving person. These things will happen!
Unknown Cheeky
- 16 years, 9 months, 8 days ago