Dear William,
We are the Bascombe family, Chris, Shirley, Rob, Nikki, we are looking after you. You were born on 12.5.88. 7lbs light hair, blue eyes and strong lungs! All our family and friends fuss over you too.
Barbara and I collected you on 17.5.88 it was very hot but you slept on journey home. you have clothes, a shawl and two teddies from Nicola.
Rob and Nikki cuddle you alot. They like to feed you too but you cry alot. we go for long walks. 23.5.88 weigh 7lb 9oz. you have upset tummy so Dr. put you on Deoralite. Jane came to visit. She cuddled you.
We feed you on soya milk taking 3oz 2-3 hrs, sleeping more, happier for short spells. You like to lie on tummy and look around. 1.6.88 weigh 7lb 15oz. Some days are quite good. You love bath and hair wash.
Unknown "Special" Injured
- 17 years, 1 month, 9 days ago