If you are Christian or catholic or have any religion you might not like to see this video bellow, but if in anyway you'd like to know the truth so you better take a look at that! Paulo Henriquevery loved, happy and lucky pet!
- 16 years, 7 months, 28 days ago
Paulo Henriquevery loved, happy and lucky pet!
- 16 years, 7 months, 28 days ago
"Aries versus Taurus" The axis os the competion, I versus We; is the surch of the balance between what we wish and what we need to open hand to others to reach the personal projection, to know, to integrate many ways to our own selves Paulo Henriquevery loved, happy and lucky pet!
- 17 years, 24 days ago
"Aries" Sing of the action, competition, autonomy. Active peaple.pioneer, impulsive, braves, dimanic. Confident in excess, some times behave without think; my be egoist and centred on itself. Need to learn to cede, to be patient with others. On the shadow, wich emphasize, start to depend of others opinions as reference; become insecure. Paulo Henriquevery loved, happy and lucky pet!
- 17 years, 24 days ago
"Libra" Sign that surchs the harmony; the relationship is essencial, Linbra are diplomatics, cooperative, persuasive, sociable, likes what it pretty. the excessive necessity of approval and the donation drives to insecurity and to the fears of rejection. Need to learn to impose itselt. On the shadow demonstrate hostility, disharmony with itself and feel that start to attract anger and agressivity wich, the truth, belong to its own.
Paulo Henriquevery loved, happy and lucky pet!
- 17 years, 24 days ago