PLEASE READ THIS... The Pantanal is a sanctuary for birds with many species occurring in large numbers. It is one of the most important breeding grounds for typical wetland birds such as Jabiru stork Jabiru mycteria as well as several other species of herons, ibis and ducks, which are found in enormous flocks. Parrots are also very diverse, with 26 species recorded in the area including hyacinth macaw Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus (VU), the world's largest parrot. A large proportion f the remnant wild population of this species, estimated in about 3,000 birds, inhabit the region. Habitat destruction and capture for the pet trade are two factors that, in combination, have led to the risk of extinction. AND.. CHECK THIS SITE: http://www.unep-wcmc.org/sites/wh/pantanal.html everything matters! we are responsible for the fate of this planet! :0) love k
Unknown "K" Festive
- 16 years, 9 months, 13 days ago
Willst Du mit mir geh'n - willst Du? Willst Du mit mir geh’n? Mein Leben fängt von vorne an Mein Leben ist ganz neu Und wenn Du dabei sein willst Dann bist Du jetzt dabei Warum soll ich nicht sagen Was ich Dir nicht sagen kann.... Nena IMMER!
Unknown "K" Festive
- 17 years, 19 days ago
I love ballet and opera...Ballet is so beautiful...
Unknown "K" Festive
- 17 years, 24 days ago
PLEASE! do not get wild animals as pets!!! Stop that!.. wild animals belong to the wild... if a friend or someone you know wants to get a monkey (or any other wild animal) as a pet please advice him/her not to do it!! There are so many reasons why that is not correct!! If you dont care about the animals, their habitat and so and so, well, then true is that animals such as monkeys (i.e. spider monkeys or macaques) can have diseases such as herpes or tuberculosis, for which there is NO cure... that only, could be a good reason why it is not good to have a monkey as a pet.... but if you are more conscious about nature then also think that pet trade is destroying the forests of the world, it's a cruel and illegal action and it implies a lot of suffering for the animals.. so no wild animals as pets!! PLEASE! pass the message. Get informed.. google IUCN red list... go to FFI (Flora and Fauna International) web page.. and support those causes.. Just being aware is a BIG first step. Thanks to all for reading this and do pass the word please. Love to all, K
Unknown "K" Festive
- 17 years, 1 month, 17 days ago
OH! Just found my "Canterbury Tales" book... *starts reading* nite nite! ..
Unknown "K" Festive
- 17 years, 1 month, 18 days ago