There should be laws about this. I'm not even quite sure who to be angry with. The courts, lawyers, law-makers, children's aid or perhaps the number of people who don't seem to have the first clue as to how to take care of their children. So much so that the courts are totally clogged with trials for parents who don't want to a)stay out of jail long enough to raise their kids b)stay clean long enough to provide for them c)stay in the same city to even attend court d)just plain get a clue and take parenting/anger management/psychotherapy/councelling long enough to get their kids back....but at the same time, they want to argue about who should have control of them in the first place.
In the case I'm mired in, the kids have been in care for 15 months....the longest extent permitted by legislation. The judge was willing to make a summary judgement so these kids can start working towards having a future, but the parents don't want to lose control (even though they haven't come close do doing what needs to be done in order to be considered an appropriate home), so the law says they have the right to take everything to trial. The problem that everyone has? The court system is so clogged with people having the same issue, that the case can't come before a court until May of next year!! These poor kids have to stay in limbo at the mercy of parents who don't seem to be able to keep up their responcibilities because some clever lawyer has now found written case law that says due to the over-burdened court system, the 15 month legislation doesn't actually count anymore and the children can stay in care (and in limbo) pretty much until the court system decides they're done with them.
I just wish this could all be over so these kids can move on and start to have a life again.
Unknown "Ms. Jen" Purring
- 16 years, 3 months, 16 days ago