I hate the way you make me feel
The pain that remains inside is real
You don't help me
You hinder me
You kept me from all I could be
I tried to end it but the blade wouldn't cut
Now you're ending me slowly
I hate what you've made me
For I am no longer me
I am but a hollow shell of soulless hate
A mindless dummy with the strings cut
Voicing no opinions against the despair you cause
Unable to stop your diseased control
Spreading like an epidemic
Your cancerous hatred
Killing me softly
I attempt to escape but to no avail
You tell me all I can do is hail
Hail to what?
The retardation you attempt to instill?
My mind is as desolate as your cold black heart
My thoughts as useless as your words
The words
The deranged cruel words
Your criticism
All you have left is criticism
But none worth hearing
You are nothing
You feel deified by the control you once had
The control is gone
The once overwhelming power has been lost into the abyss
Your devastating reign of insignificance
Unknown "Fy Cariad x" Wild
- 17 years, 1 month, 27 days ago