with all this rain, it wasnt hard to drop my car in water! :P hahaha!! hrmm...saturday i..cleaned because my housemate was due back... and i cleaned some more...and some more! then today i slept in..wandered around...and watched movies all by myself :( exciting hey! lol ah, the eventful life i lead. How was the engagement party? get drunk any? i would of lol! i hope u had fun :]
Hey! i havent been on lately because ive just been busy :( and another busy weekend ahead....i brokedededed my phoneeee and my car! LOL :( wht r u up to this weekend hun?? xoxoxoxxo
"☻Ugg Boots☻"Feisty
- 17 years, 1 month, 9 days ago
HeY how much did u get back for ur tax? a bloody lot i hope. Yeah i read it! i dont have msn because this isnt my computer, its a work one. Mines all fucked up... i never use msn anyways lol too many ppl on there i dont wanna talk too! Im all sad and stuff atm cuz my ex rang me and i ended up in tears because he asked for his shit back and then hung up on me ! :( so im in a pretty crappy mood. I hope ur day was better than mine! i went shopping today and bought some nice dresses on sale, but it was only for like two hrs because my best friend who took me had to be home by 3 because she had other plans, even though we planned this two weeks ago...and she was meant to be tryin to cheer me up about my week and all she could do was blab on about her new man and it really didnt go down well with me aye.... its all she talks about...and shes goin on about valentines day and shit and im like "well, u got a better chance at getting something then what i do!" : gay!! what are you doing tomorrow? maybe u should go shopping! xx
naw ty :P LOL u sound like MEEEEEEEEEEE... i have like two decent friends and they are both consumed with other shit... and no one makes time for me, i have to do all the organising too! then everything just gets stuffed up with ppl changing their minds and stuff! Northies...havent been there in awhile! We should go and drink together so we're not losers :P Good friends are far and few between! I feel like the world has forgotton little old me! So dont feel so bad because we're sailing in the same boat lmfao! That actually cheered me up, that msg haha! Im not aloneeee!!! oh trust me, hours of practicing putting on make up out of boredom leads to marvelous fluke pictures lol! bah meN! im taking a break from them! unless one comes to me! but thats not likely because i never go out because i never have anyone to go out with that doesnt get off chops and ditch me to hook up with a stranger! So i sit...here..at the computer..like a homo watching the time tick by. Or i chain smoke lol. Well i will have a better weekend knowing that somewhere, in cronulla, you will probably be as bored as me! Well i wish something exciting happens for you this weekend!! :D fingers crossed...and legs...and ears....EARS? yes ears... if i could. Lol!!! :D im soooo freakin' BOREDDDD...... *bashes head on the wall* xo!