I saw this thing on tv yesterday about some terrible fetish called squishing. It made me cry. Stupid bitches wear high heels and squish little animals and stupid gormless men go onto internet sites to watch. what is wrong with these brainless people. If people are inquisitive they may go on just because they are intrigued. However if those people refuse to go onto these sights and there is no-one to watch, then there would be little point in making these terrible films. Some of the animals used were kittens. How could anyone be so bad, and to find it arousing, well they are just a load of weirdos. So for all those weirdos out there , I hope something comes down from a great height and squishes you and see how you like it. Anyone who feels strongly about this please thumbs up. xx
Unknown "Lady Leah"
- 16 years, 3 months, 6 days ago
A Strange Tale I think this is a true story , it made me laugh. I hope it makes you laugh too. A Lady's cat brought in a dead rabbit which belonged to next door. The lady panicked thinking the cat had killed next doors rabbit. The rabbit was a bit dirty and dishevelled so the lady washed the rabbit, blow dried its fur making it look like it had died of natural causes and she put it back in the nieghbour garden in the cage while her neighbour was out. The next day the neighbour who owned the rabbit saw the lady in her garden . They said hello and the rabbits owner said. " A strange thing happened to us yesterday" Our rabbit died yesterday day morning and we burried it in the garden. Then when I come back from shopping It was back in its cage lol (FOR ANYONE WHO DOES'NT GET IT , HER CAT HAD DUG IT UP FROM THE GARDEN!!)
Unknown "Lady Leah"
- 17 years, 9 days ago
Another embarrising tale from me. I was about to catch a train . I was stepping off the platform whien my shoe with no back fell off and went down the gap onto the rail. I got on the train and sat down panicking and wondering what to do next. I had a newspaper and sandwich on my lap and put it on the table infront of me. I started telling everyone on the train(train was fuill) "my shoe has gone, my shoe has gone on the tracks" everyone just stared at me like a was a loony let out for the day! then one girl pipped up and siad" how much do you love your shoes" ? "They are my new ones I replied. " well if I was you I would get off the train and ask the guard to get it back for you" . The whistle started to go I decided to leap off the train... leaving behind my sandwich and paper and as I watched the train dissapear. the woman who told me to get off was gesturing to me that she was about to eat my sandwich!!! I walked down the platform like Quasy Moso(cant't spell) (the bells! the bells!)and found a guard. I tried to remain "normal" which wasnt easy bearing in mind that I was wearing a bright pink suit. He grabbed an arthritic grabber, (you know the type of thing, a long stick with one of those jaws on the end that opens and closes and grabs things) The only problem was it was like winning one of those toys in the fairground. Every time he grabbed my shoe it kept dropping again. Then just as he was about to make a final attempt a fast train was approaching the platform and he had to stop...... Well no prizes for guessing what happened to my shoe. 10 mins later after the arthritic grabber hasd rescued my shoe it was a bit pointless. Pointless being the operative word, as the stiletoe heel had gone!! and the shoe was flat as a pancake!!! Well I hasten to add I got home that night , with no newspaper, no sandwich, a flat shoe and 2 hours late. when my husband asked " did you have a good day darling" well I wont print what my answer was......
Unknown "Lady Leah"
- 17 years, 9 days ago
Strange or embarrising things always seem to happy to me. Like the time I went to south Africa (Cape Point) and got mugged of my handbag by a baboon!! People feed the animals and are not supposed to > As soon as the baboon saw my handbag he ran towards me and strarted trying to grab it!!! My video recorder that I had purchased that week was in there( and my lippy) so there was no way I was going to giver up my bag withoput a fight!!! Until he showed me his teeth. I swung the bag and he grabbed it and stuck his claws in it. when I realised that he wasnt going to give in I let go of the bag. The baboon went into the middle of the road, unzipped my bag, took everything out into the road, and realizing no food was in there he actually turned round and hissed at me. then he put all the stuff back in and put the strap over his arm!!! yes over his arm and ran off with it into the bush... The men with catapaults came and frightened him into running off and he left my bag behind. A Hairy moment.... In more ways than one...I got married in Cape town the next day, complete with my lippy on, which thankfully was not the baboons preffered shade of lipstick!!!
Unknown "Lady Leah"
- 17 years, 9 days ago