The King of Swords card suggests that my power today lies in credibility. My commanding reputation precedes me and in this seat of power I have nothing left to prove -- but I would be mistaken to assume that I have nothing left to learn or teach. I am ready to consolidate my resources or channel my experience in preparation for sharing my wisdom, protecting a legacy or to pursue new meaning. In architecting my purpose, the pen has become mightier than the Sword. I am empowered by mastery, mandate or responsibility and my virtue is honor in authority and executive decision-making.
Unknown "Yu Na" Crazy
- 16 years, 5 months, 5 days ago
The Knight of Pentacles card suggests that it is ironic that at the abundant banquet of life, most poor suckers are starving or trying to buy what should be had for free. Don't be one of them. Use this downtime to appreciate your current status, to make practical decisions that are based on the actual effort you are willing to expend and to reassess where your relationship is heading in the future. What you value, protect or work at will eventually take on a life of its own and give back to you that which you have put in. Get real about the progress, priorities and quality of your love life, domestic situation or standard of living. Above all, keep it simple and don't worry about what other people do.
Unknown "Yu Na" Crazy
- 16 years, 5 months, 5 days ago
The Five of Swords card suggests that my power today lies in the upper hand. I can outwit or outlast and I choose my battles wisely. This puts me in a superior position. I know when it's time to hold, fold, or walk away. I am a survivor and am not easily defeated. I am empowered to gain the advantage by turnabout and my virtue fair play.
Unknown "Yu Na" Crazy
- 16 years, 5 months, 5 days ago
The King of Pentacles card reversed suggests that too much value is placed on quantity over quality. An emphasis on material goods and how they reflect on your identity could cheapen your own goals or pleasures and could determine how a potential or current partner views you as well. Don't sell yourself short, and be careful when mixing business with pleasure. Consider, too, that life is not a spectator sport, and that you may be withering on the vine. It might be time to rejoin society and redefine your place in it, for you can only reap what you sow. As such, dilettante attempts at romance can't return a perennial, long-term commitment any more than you can make a silk purse out of a sow's ear -- no matter how many pearls you drape upon it.
Unknown "Yu Na" Crazy
- 16 years, 5 months, 5 days ago
The Lovers card affirms my alter ego is a port key to a Soul Mate or deal, whose superpower is compatibility in the midst of reconciling dichotomy to interconnect as a whole new entity or 'color.' To be or not to be: at ultimatum or rival tensions mounting, negotiating acceptable trade-offs validates our unique perspectives to reflect what each lacks for a balanced voice of truce. When we're together I'm beside myself, so I concede mutual vested interest, incentive or opportunity to my other half for valued consideration. For only by the power of self-respect in reciprocal vulnerability, need and compassion do 'me and thee consummate we.' The rest is all a dance on the sidelines of Cinderella Pandering or prohibition, or around a Bermuda Triangle of bottom line temptation to cheat by provocation, promiscuity, or shame. But here at the gate of impasse, I still have a choice and my pride.
Unknown "Yu Na" Crazy
- 16 years, 5 months, 7 days ago