"♥Nini♥"new tat .. woot
- 17 years, 16 days ago
Happy Valentine's Day to yo and yours, Mike!
- 17 years, 18 days ago
Well, Mike, what I like about Human Pets is, you get to meet folks you otherwise might not, and sometimes you share stories or you chat about kids, work, life... all without leaving your comfy armchair. I started when I was recovering from an injury, and now I am quite addicted! I write Tales, you will find them on my profile. At the Market you can buy items like the thrilling ride Jeanine sent you, or the yummy donuts I am giving you. Even more so than with other gifts, it's the thought that counts with virtual gifts, though they cost real points! You will earn points by logging in, viewing profiles and maybe you will start your own store and earn points when someone buys your stuff. I have made some really nice friends here. I hope you will, too. I made a tribute to Denny Doherty (of Mamas and Papas and Theodore Tugboat fame) on MSN at
You have been fed donuts.
- 17 years, 18 days ago