I've been a bad human pet (and owner). It seems like I just can't get on this application as much as I used to. I still love you guys though.
Unknown "Tavi kitty" Lazy
- 16 years, 10 months, 11 days ago
Don't take life too serious, no body gets out alive anyway.
Unknown "Tavi kitty" Lazy
- 16 years, 11 months, 12 days ago
Yoohoo...I just finished my PhD comp exams. One step closer to being called Dr. Now if I could just motivate myself to write that dissertation.
Unknown "Tavi kitty" Lazy
- 17 years, 10 days ago
So here we are at February 14th. Happy Valentine's Day! Here's wishing everyone a good day whether you're single, dating, engaged, or married. Remember today is a day to share love in all of its manifestations....it's not just about couples (no matter what Hallmark tells you). So spread the love.
Unknown "Tavi kitty" Lazy
- 17 years, 22 days ago
I think Human Pets is my newest addiction. I spend way too much time on here, but I meet so many interesting people I can't seem to give it up!
Unknown "Tavi kitty" Lazy
- 17 years, 29 days ago