ok so my job for the last 3 weeks has been manning the phone lines for the towing company my b/f works for(the boss' went to Florida,imagine the nerve)
If anyone is familiar with towing then you know assholes have no time schedule..and they let you know it! It only takes a day or so to get that *i've been on acid all day but don't have the happy i wanna laugh and have a good time* feeling..my eyes are bugged outta my head,i couldn't close them and blink if my life depended on it.
I wanna give an honourable mention to the lady who said she was stuck at the bottom of the driveway and needed a wee pull out..nevermind that when the tow showed up he slid down the ice covered 20 foot embankment into her car that was resting against a tree preventing it from falling further down the hill and almost broke his leg(her dog,apparently in save mode ran out to "help" and slid into the car too and hobbled back to the house with a hurt leg)
Heres to the kid who told daddy that he was driving over an icey hill and slid into a snow embankment BUT forgot to tell dad he was speeding and got a 7-day suspension so mommys car was impounded.
Gotta love the 12 hour suspension guy who had his truck towed (a 12 hour for those who don't know is for drinkin and driving) and after gettin dropped off at his house by the cops proceeded to call the company demanding we take him his vehicle back to him that very night.I give him credit tho for being sober enuff to catch the faux pas my b/f made when he called him on his personal cell and proceeded to call him on that for the rest of the night giving my company lines a well needed break.
Kudos to the lady whos son abandoned her car but told his mother a lie about what happened to it.It was towed for being abandoned yet heres the kicker..the car had a flat tire,she had CAA her son, instead of calling the roadside that would have cost his mother NADDA, surprised mommy with a 200 tow fee..nice....
There are so many more tales that should be told but for now i gotta go...my phones are ringing
Unknown "tazys gal" Tired
- 17 years, 2 days ago