After issuing a public apology, realizing the immaturity of my actions, I get silence. After offering to remove anything from my blog that was requested, I get silence. Then a certain letter arrives in the mail today. What a waste of legal fees, but not my choice, what can I do.
Below is said letter:
“Please review enclosed postings from your client’s Myspace account. She is engaging in a course of conduct directed at Mr. X that seriously annoys and harasses him with no legitimate purpose, and is causing him extreme concern over potential ramifications on his employment. Please get you client under control and have her delete these entries immediately or I will be forced to seek relief through the courts.”
When did self expression, freedom of speech, and good ole therapy become having “no legitimate purpose.” If my blogs are inaccurate, then the only person it makes look bad is me. Let me look bad. Let me have my voice.
For goodness sakes people, do you not see the injustice of the matter. For a while I lost my health. I had surgery. I had lost my dearest love. I had lost my husband. I had lost my fur children. I had lost my home. I had lost an extended family that I adored. I had lost my dojo. I had been threatened with legal actions and served papers. I haven’t been able to get work yet—and I am trying! The economy isn’t very good for finding work in case people hadn’t noticed. Also, the education budget is not so good for teachers. I feel as if everything has been taken from me. Everywhere I turn, I feel beaten down for just being me. Please don’t take my voice too.
I have no desire to annoy or harass ANYONE, just express the pain and hurt in my heart. If I wanted to hurt someone, their names would have been published, and google searchable. That will never happen. NO NAMEs have ever been used, nor will they ever be. Plus I changed my profile to my maiden name to encourage some anonymity. I have respect for others, and I have more respect for my healing process. This is for me and my moving forward--and that’s it.
“Get your client under control,” for those of you who know me and know me well. After the injustices of the situation, and reorganizing my ENTIRE life, I would say my control is EXCELLENT.
You try loosing your spouse, home, pets, job, dojo, and neighborhood. Everything that brings you a sense of contentedness, safety, and security--let’s see what your control is like? From experience, you feel pretty powerless. Oh yeah, I’m doing pretty darn good. There is only one person I admire MORE in this whole situation, who has the utmost style and control. He’s endured it all and even more. He’s the classiest, kindest guy in the world. He DESERVES happiness and he is richer than us all! He’s my new hero. Good luck to him. He’s the king of control.
We cannot choose the cards we are dealt; only how well we play them. My new hero plays them the best of all. May I learn from those I admire.
Send me your support and encouragement! Good friends if I write something tacky, please tell me. I’ll remove it. I want to learn from my mistakes. I don’t want to be the poo in the situation, and I also want freedom of speech and self-expression. Help me achieve that goal. Thank you for your support.
Unknown"K.T. Katie"Sparkling
- 17 years, 1 month ago
Divorce: a Rock & a Hard Place
For all of you out there that have been betrayed, lied too, and utterly surpirsed with divorce; I am so sorry. It stinks, and life goes on. You will meet a person that deserves your love and generousity that is a true partner, and you will be able to pick better. It is not the pain the of the love affair, it is the pain of the lies and lack of respect or trust--that is a much more damaging wound.
Why is it that some people put themselves between a rock and a hard place? Then when they feel the pressure and full consequences of their decisions, they want to divert the pain, suffering, and blame to another? Some need to constanty beat others up or put them down in order to feel any self worth.
Some people believe the rest of the world is too stupid to add up the facts. Well, they are not. People came to me and asked my perspective because they had already come to their own conclusions. They KNEW. Many KNEW before me...
I asked for NONE of this info. Friends thought it was important for me to know the truth.
Guess what? My poo stinks, and cheaters and liar poop is even stinkier! Do I have issues, heck yah! Do I do my best to act with curtesy and grace, heck yah! Am I always successful, probably not...Am I a private person, heck no! I am as WYSIWYG as it comes, and bless my mother for that. The fruit falls close to the tree.
Face the music sweethearts, cause eventually the truth comes out and we all gotta dance. I'm ready to boogie because I am proud of my behavior and who I am.
Here's a dose of reality as I see it. Some may attest it might be warped. But my shrink and therapist seem to think that I am right on the ball. The fact I have a shrink and a therapist may leave some wondering, keep wondering and reading my blog....perhaps I'll share more on that topic another day.
Anyway despite my issues....I didn't screw my spouses' bestfriend. I didn't leave the man I love and devoted to for another that makes more money and seems "classier." BTW, stealing your bestfriends' wife ain't classy... nor is leaving your hubby and jumping into the arms of his good friend--not a very good friend if you ask me... but who am i?... the ousted x... I may be ousted... that doesn't change what they did...
i patiently waited months for my side of the story, and now that everyone knows, they can understand why I might be a little upset....
(If he'll do with you, he'll do it to you... someday ask about the one he left me for... he lost a house in that one... wonder why he sugested I sign a quit claim?)
I didn't think signing the quit claim mattered because he told me I was his soul mate, wrote me amazing love letters, and told me we would be together forever and have babies. We know how that turned out--don't we. Ahhhh to be young and naive.... LADIES... NEVER...EVER... sign a prenup or a quit claim...
I'm not perfect, and I'm hurt too, and I didn't run to the arms of my husbands' good friend for consolation. So Madame X has no right to send me harrassing text messages about slander when there are no names, and her comment, "divorce hurts." OH PLEASE! "Divorce hurts... yah think!?!? WTF? ... I've been living it for 9 months on top of betrayal, lying, and a narcisstic wound that she may be better than me... which we know is impossible at this point....
Although it is not about better or worse... just different.... they are going through a difficult time, and they are making these choices because they believe it is best for them, and it very well maybe... not for me to judge....
If they didn't want people to know, they shouldn't have done it. Did they think everyone was stupid. EVERYONE figured out about OREGON. Oh people--please! They are just too polite to say. They didn't have to talk to me or read my blog to figure it out. They came and told me....
Plus my blog is a mode of therapy. We know I can use some of that! OR at least that's how the s Unknown"K.T. Katie"Sparkling
- 17 years, 1 month, 2 days ago
SALE! SALE! SALE! Check out my store & Shop till you drop! Unknown"K.T. Katie"Sparkling
- 17 years, 1 month, 7 days ago
What is it about our pets that brings us that much closer to heaven and happiness?
Unknown"K.T. Katie"Sparkling
- 17 years, 1 month, 8 days ago
This is just information... I'm not a very private person... i wear my heart on my sleeve, much to the chagrin of others... some misconstrue kindness and genousity as a weakness... it is not... when did he really leave me... i gave him my heart... i gave him our home... i gave him our furr babies... i willingly let him have all these things... he refused help... he refused couseling... he gave his heart to another without consulting me... he said, "you can stay as long as you need to..." 30 days later... he said, "one of us has to leave this house, and it is not going to be me..." he changed the locks on our home without telling me... he refuses to let me see our furr children... his lawyer threatens me with a retstraining order... he kisses his lover in our our tent on our anniversary in front of me and our friends... and still i give him forgiveness... still i miss watching star wars, battlestar gallactica, playing halo, cuddling on the futon in front of the fire sandwiched between our furr babies... i miss his smile, his embrace, his tender touch... it lingers in my dreams... i found my soul mate, but he hasn't found his... he lingers in dreams, my eyes bleed tears or passion... not really sure... our last night together before he flew to NC and bubble baths with her, he held me lovingly in his arms ... he was crying.... my soul forgives.. my heart yearns... it is better to loved and lost; than to never loved at all... he hides behind the facade that... "she's crazy.." and I was just crazy for him... that's all... he will never again find a woman of my beauty... my humour... my generousity... my heart... my forgiveness... he always said that i was the best thing that ever happened to him, he was right... he had all the freedom in my arms, all he had to do was ask... i don't demand much... i don't want coach purses, big diamonds, fancy houses, or a mercedes benz.. all i want is promises delivered, loving trust and respect... marrying me was the wisest thing... and letting me go... the most foolish...
Unknown"K.T. Katie"Sparkling
- 17 years, 1 month, 8 days ago
Karim T
"Desirable NFS"Adventurous
- 16 years, 11 months, 29 days ago
Thumbs are up to date, even if it took some time reading everything you tell in your tales.
I can just say one thing.... ok two then,,, or three,,, or What the heck, here goes..
Great tales... Been there done that and got the fu**ing T-shirt, and burned it too :-) Life goes on, but the wounds never heal totally, you just learn how to live with them , And you try your best not to judge the poeple or new loved one that you meet.
Kindness is a strength,, NEVER forget that... It's something that weaker people always will envy... A LOT....
All the credit to you for struggling on, But remember one thing....