A revaluation has come upon me. We call our selves Kin. But the meat that walk on two feet thinks of us as vamps and freaks. And there are others that try to put themselves above others by calling themselves other Kin.
Trying to explain to them how far above them we are is like showing a monkey how to use a gun. He might figure it out but the effect scares him.
If they think we are acting better then them well did you ever think that you think your lower then us, or maybe were not acting?
We fall into the trap that all meats do. Work, love, trying to follow the moral rules that govern this worlds peoples, work, now there’s a necessary evil that must be done to house, close and feed yourself. Some try to live off the kindness of others, or mooch there lives away. What happened to the days when you earned something and proudly bore it with you? Whether it was a single coin or a mountain of riches or you live in a shack that would fall down any minute or a mansion you earned it and that’s all that mattered.
Remember the days when you could smell your prey. You would stock them just down wind. And at the last minute know the final scent when you moved in for the kill and you saw the fear and terror in their eyes. Hum it all must taste as sweet as there flesh.
But can we experience that now, of course not. They try to recreate it with guns and their version of the hunt. Where is honor in killing your prey with a metal bullet? I remember talons. Talons so sharp when I ran they dug into the ground and moved me faster. When I leapt onto my prey I would rend him a sunder, and teeth that they could rip out a preys tough as to give it a quick and merciful end.
Look at me, look at all of us. Tiny little digits so blunt it couldn’t rip through a cardboard box. And teeth so fragile that if I eat my meat savagely I could chip them.
We choose to hide in your prey. Why? As always we may have been swifter, stronger and some of us in traveled packs. What was our down fall was it breeding? Where at one time our blood was pure and to keep our children strong and healthy we were careful not to mix the wrong blood. We had our mates, those who would be together for the end of time. Then there were our breeding partners. We cared for them to for they bore our young ones or carried our seed. We didn’t care if our mates had to breed with another to have a child. It was an honor to know my son would be strong and healthy cause of another. I would raise him to be proud of who he is. We could not bare many young ones because of our ways, but we love ever one of them we had and mourned if even oldest of us passed beyond.
But the meats they changed to out time too. They began moving in herds and formed claws of their own. Spears and clubs they had. Very crud at first but to us it made the hunt more interesting. We were fools. They learned the art of metal. And most of all they would breed with any in their pack. More and more moved across the land. And when there were enough they struck. They feared us. Thinking we would kill them all. Others said we were demons to stroke their fears. Then we became the hunted. There was no honor, just murder. I remember the fires burning through out the woods that we lived in. The elders who held the knowledge of so many ages were lost in those fires.
We ran. What else could we do? We knew nothing of war. We didn’t kill for sport or vengeance, not yet. And so after so long, never in spoken history the Kin went to war. One of us was worth 20 of them. But the blood shed on both sides was horrific. I lost my son and mate on the same night. So blinded with rage I have no memory of what happened. When I awoke I saw what I had done and wished it not true. A home, a family bunched by my claws. There was no honor in this, it had to stop.
The last of us gathered. We knew there would be no peace as long as we lived. But if it continued there would be no humans either. We now hated our prey, where we honored them long ago. Where could we go? Then in our minds our elders spoke to us. There is only one place that we would be safe. We must hide in our enemies.
Who we were would be lost for a time, but Kin find there own. And so we did. Our souls fled their strong proud bodies and into their soft fleshy vessels. We shared a mind and body. It was so confusing that it took ages for even one of us to be awarded again. Many went mad or were told that they were. What sane man heard voices in their head or had visions of blood and even enjoyed the taste of it. Some have better smell or hear the thoughts of others. Other gifts that we had that humans call ESP or some other mental mind powers that takes them all their will to use, us it’s just like blinking your eyes.
We are a shadow of what we once were. Few even know what they are. Many destroy themselves thinking they are mad or take drugs to hide their true selves. Many more are locked away for being themselves. But a few, like me exist. Know what I am. Where I came from and why I’m different. Another Kin showed me, and I showed another. But still there are few.
Unknown "Raven" Frisky
- 16 years, 11 months, 4 days ago