The planet Mars, I look upon
I kind of wonder the thought
Is it where we came from
Or is planet Mars the place
That one day we shall go
And start up a Martian race
The history of mankind
Is missing lots of history bits
It's origins are hard to bind
If it is the place we are to venture
Then we must prepare
And make it into liveable furr
Or if it is where we come from
Then there is a message
About what's to come
There is a place in our history books
Where the new world was started
And Martian couples came here to fuk
They ruined there world thru selfish desires
Adjusting the Martian environment
Till it all went up like hot fires
Now this is why we live on Earth today
And x years later the same species
No lesson learnt here I must say
Once Mars was like Earth is today
And to think those thinking brains
Have fuked up another planetary stay
Unknown "Beastmaster" Hungry
- 16 years, 11 months, 19 days ago