Got back from Katsucon a little while ago, it was...interesting. I had a god time, but most of my freinds didn't. Evidently Little Roxas wasn't being very nice. All night. Thus Aida barely got any sleep and didn't have a good day today. When Little Roxas went to leave she was really upset. I tried to calm her down and make her see reason, but Vexen decided to call her a spoiled brat, thus Little Roxas kicked Vexen. It was not a happy point in time. Then towards the end of the day, we kept losing stuff. First Autumn (I think it was her) lost her wig, which was what started the whole Little Roxas fight, cause everyone is convinced she somehow took it. I'm not sure what to believe, but from my neutral standpoint and how Little Roxas was acting and stuff, I have a feeling that she may have taken the wig. Not sure though, and unless we find the wig on her, she's innocent. Then we lost Aida's Kingdom Key. So I ran around trying to find that, and then she came and tried to help me. It ended up being in the baggage room. Someone had moved it to get to their stuff and hadn't returned it to the correct place, thus causing Aida to freak out a bit. But it's all good, cause we found it. Then we lost the bag with Aida's wallet and stuff in it. I found that in the baggage room too. XD All in all it was a rather hectic day. However, I had a good time, cause I saw Aida and spent time with her for three days. And I think she liked her V-day gifts. =3 Hopefully I'll talk to her tonight. ^^
Unknown "Gaara-Chan" Loyal
- 16 years, 11 months, 29 days ago