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Richard | - Free online hangout and friends
Vera owns this human at 1039472 points.


Richard , 61/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:7:03 PM
Join date:16 years, 10 months, 23 days ago
Location: Edmonton, Alberta Canada

"NONE ! OF ! MY ! PETS OR ME ! ARE ! FOR ! SALE !!!!!!"
About me:
I applied to be on The Apprentice (
http://www.nexruntec...but since I did not hold a green card my application was turned down. Barry Lenson (editor for Trump University and The Apprentice) conveyed his intent of support for any future application I would make to the show. Barry was the key in bringing to the attention of the President of Trump University my responses to the Trump Blog that resulted in the invite to be the first outside the employment of Trump University to provide a topic heading, that also resulted in 2 additional postings. It was my intent to cause this invite or another form of recognition in respect to my Apprentice application being turned down, as well using this as stepping stones to build up reference for the show to include Canadian citizens as valid candidates. Owner Designer World Trade Center Memorial Tribute Site site has reached every corner of the Globe as well the designs were displayed on the 5th anniversary of 911 in New York. The most humbling result was recognition in the receipt of a sweater and ball cap sent by the FDNY and NYPD as appreciation for my efforts. With no advertising budget, this site has been viewed by over 100 million including the anniversary, and video presentations. On the 5th anniversary it was also played as a video presentation in multiple areas at The University of Texas at Tyler as their main presentation for the day.
About you:
Vera is my RL Love, and here on Come Check it Out!
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): Thumbis Maximus, Richards Thumb Emporium, V's Place, Richards Thumb Emporium 2, Thumbis Lotto Millions, aaa, bbb
Herds: White Wolves Petters Paradise!!, Gamers are sexy, She's Tee Spot..., University Students Bitch Line, Thumbination, Thumbs for Tracy-Daily herd, Kitty's Den, Love Thumbs, Master's Herd, Pete's Buddies, Shauns safe house!, Halse's, Forever Young, PLEASE THUMB ME, CandyLand, Bipa's, Thumbalicious, Angela's Thumbs (100 Pages), Zoo Parade, emma

10150 pts
Richard's tales
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Just an Example of one of the Unit Graphics for Excalibur Quest, currently in development on , The Future of Web Design, that will make facebook seem like a waste of time.
Richard "Lionheart...NFFS" - 16 years, 3 months, 6 days ago
Sept 11 is almost here, and it's amazing how much this day has been forgotten already. 911 is not about the United States, 911 is not about the War, 911 is a day that we should remember all the innocent men, women , and children that were murdered as a result of hate.

I will never forget that day, and World Trade Center Memorial Tribute site will always stand.

Richard "Lionheart...NFFS" - 16 years, 6 months, 7 days ago

BTW, I'm NOT FOR SALE !, Make the mistake of buying me,,, will cost you 40,000 when I leave. I am my Vera's Pet, and her Pet Only !

LOL thanks to a friend,,, who I shall call Alan :) , now it would really be expensive if I left , ,, LOL, 25% of 500k+ is a pretty steep loss.

So shall I remain my Vera's Pet :)


Richard "Lionheart...NFFS" - 16 years, 9 months, 23 days ago
Just some cat pictures of my 2 goofies , I call them,,, "OK So I Tripped" ,,, "Scratching Old Man Pose" & "The Things A Pet's Gotta Do for a Treat ,,, Sheesh"
Richard Richard Richard
Richard "Lionheart...NFFS" - 16 years, 9 months, 26 days ago
Just a quick photo of Vera and I, not a great photo of us, but something so that you can see who we are :) ,,

We Love all our friends on Human Pets,,,

Richard "Lionheart...NFFS" - 16 years, 9 months, 29 days ago
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Mischievous Little  Minx

Brought u a flower You have been given Brought u a flower .
Crafted by Mischievous Little Minx
Mischievous Little Minx "Meow 2" 99% Angel & 1% Devil! - 7 years, 6 months, 25 days ago
Mischievous Little  Minx
Thanks for shopping Richard!
Have A Great Weekend You have been given Have A Great Weekend.
Crafted by Fran
Mischievous Little Minx "Meow 2" 99% Angel & 1% Devil! - 7 years, 6 months, 25 days ago
Alexander Graesser
random comment #14) I would thumb you if you had new tales
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 15 years, 11 months, 13 days ago

I love my pet You have been given I love my pet.
Crafted by VVV
Vera "Lady Vera" Loyal - 16 years, 17 days ago

Happy Valentine's Day! You have been given Happy Valentine's Day!.
Crafted by Sky Cherry
Vera "Lady Vera" Loyal - 16 years, 28 days ago

Watching over you You have been given Watching over you.
Crafted by M ilja
Vera "Lady Vera" Loyal - 16 years, 1 month, 1 day ago
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Richard's shop

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Snow Tiger by Deveda
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Richards 1st Painting
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Richards 1st Painting
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Amazing Sky
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Amazing Sky
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Stop and Smell the Flowers
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Stop and Smell the Flowers
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My balcony at Christmas
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My balcony at Christmas
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5000 pts
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