Day Tripper, one way ticket. On one, or two. The difference of which cloud to step on. Number 9, number 9. Been there. Feeling fine. I feel fine. Watch where you land, I do. Clumsy gummy. There's a horse on my table. I need a watch just to waste time. A tale of too many thoughts all crammed into one small space. My medicine is kicking in.. nice.,
Unknown "Amigo" Dazed
- 16 years, 8 months, 10 days ago
How does it feel like to have streamful levels of information. Too much is too much or never enough? To wake with the songs played in your head to the tune of your life. How does it feel like? To be increasing to the spending of time as too much information. But then again, *cue song* the mind craves. Headphones and coffee..... good mix before bed? This is what happens.... Poor Gummy head, poor poor Gummy head.
Unknown "Amigo" Dazed
- 17 years, 3 days ago
Today i walked. No where in particular. Today i walked. Where i went and where i've been. Today i walked. No where in particular. Man i was bored! Kids..... always have something to keep you busy. Boredom is a son of a bitch. And that is my tale of the day.
Unknown "Amigo" Dazed
- 17 years, 1 month, 24 days ago
I got stuck. So as long as i am in one place, i don't mind company. I may have something to say, i may not. depends on the mood and temps. Today i saw my foot in the window. Reflections can sometimes scare the crap outta someone. That is all.
Unknown "Amigo" Dazed
- 17 years, 2 months, 5 days ago
I was tired of living in a cave. Became friends with a Wonka character. Told me to try some syrup. I did. I awoke the next day feeling a bit squishy. Damn i miss the caves.
Unknown "Amigo" Dazed
- 17 years, 2 months, 14 days ago