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"~^^Antz jie^^~"

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Unknown's tales
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After so long finally I'm going to be writing this tale^^~ thing about these tales are that you need to be in the mood to type^^~ and I happen to be in the mood today^^~ so let's get on with it^^:P~

Have no clue when tales can add pictures^^~ but just putting these pictures make me remember it like it wasn't long ago:P~ As you should know from before this is my 4th TC camp^^~ and it's my favorite so far^^~ The first one as I said is great^^~ all the girls had great team work and a great bond^^~ we're not shy to talk and socialized well^^~ but that was only the girls in the group^^~ next let's talk about last year's camp^^~

So yea~ like always I'm so extremely excited^^~ coz TC camp is one of the best places for me to see my dry families and learn something new~ coz like I always say~ no matter how many times you go to the camp you always seem to learn something new^^~ So when I first arrived I already saw my 2005 year group leader^^~ Which was great^^~ meeting new friends and seeing the old friends^^~ catch up on old times^^~ So yea^^~ saw most of my dry sisters there^^~ but the best part is.... the group-members^^~

Gosh~ I mustn't leave out anyone now:P~ so here introducing~~~

the 2 group leaders~ Jeff and Sandy(in the one pic where there's green with an 8 and lotza pick on it^^~ right in the center^^~)they are extremely 爆笑^^~(oh~ the artist of those drawings is Cynthia^^~)~ also the 2 師姑s~ 桌秀昀 and 賴玉容~ both so nice, friendly and helpful^^~ so girls in our group are~ like mention just now Cynthia~ aka lil rice^^~ Joycy~ aka 熊ˋ熊ˇ ^^~ Sandy I mentioned just now, Yeyan~ aka 毛毛蟲:P~ and of cos me^^~ Annie~ aka Antz^^~ and the guys in our group~ Jack and Jim~ the brain of the TC brain of the group^^~ Yu-Chiao is the TC baby~(since he studied at Taiwan's Tzu Chi High^^~) and every group has a shy guy~ and that place has been given to Kenny^^~ he know's a few magic tricks^^~ very interesting^^~

If you'll went to the camp you'd see some of these are similar to the one I wrote in the newspaper thing:P~ it's not that I'm being lazy:P~ it's just that I want to tell everyone about it and add more details of what I wrote before^^~ So next it's about introducing our group^^~ our group is called 閃/省電燈泡~ aka 狗腿組^^~ coz since the second day of camp our group was just being so dog leg to all the leaders^^~ it might not be funny to you'll that are reading now^^~ but to us it's always going to make us smile when we think of it^^~ Thing about a great group is that you must be 團結,有默契,信任對方,一同心, 尊重對方(just going to have the translation in this bracket^^~ ... you must be join forced, implicit recognition{donno how to translate the first 2:P~}, Work as one~ trust and respect each other~)~ and our group happens to have all of them^^~

As you might already know~ this camp was ranged from 13 and up~ so for a normal person they'd think~ "oh~ it's going to be a kiddies camp~ coz if 13 year olds go then what fun would we have:P~"(p.s.~ I'm not included:P~ I'm not normal:P~), but this camp was so much better than that^^~ the first night we had 火鍋(hot pot)~ which was unique^^~ first time having it at a camp^^~ then the second day it was an active day^^~ the walking around to different zones to learn and have a quiz~ then the field games^^~ going from one point to another for different games^^~

one of them is touch rugby~ if you get touched they must say sorry~ and if they receive the ball they must say thank you~ There a picture of it^^~ So anywayz:P~ from around here our group leader started the dog leg thing^^~ then everyone of us followed^^~ So this touch rugby:P~ the other team was kind of competitive:P~ so they went for the ball all the time^^~ touch all the guys backs(when you get touched 3 times you must go sit down:P~) and only girls are left^^~ it's so funny how Jeff goes on and on while passing the ball saying things like~ "my cute lil group members~ get ready~ I'm going to be passing
Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Unknown "~^^Antz jie^^~" Dazed - 17 years, 1 month, 10 days ago
Finally coming to last year^^~ when they say grade 11 is THE year you know they're right^^~ and don't not believe it coz it happened to me too^^~ great things and less great things:P~ Let's start with the bad things so we save nice things for the end:P~

bad things
strange is the bad things only show up at around the end of the year:P~ like around August:P~ it all started with a major fight with my mom~ that fight~ really turned my life:P~ and not in a good way:P~ don't need to be giving details:P~ but that stage I lost myself and lost my happy and random self^^~ if you didn't know before the fight I was sorta like how I am now la^^~ but after the fight is like BAM~ turned completely into a depressed thing:P~ but no need to get to that:P~ it's too depressing:P~ and then my sister's dog died~.~ she was 7 human years old ne~.~ and later my fave kitty died~ or was it before? Well doesn't matter:P~ after the kitty died then the older cat ran away~

Good things^^~
I started playing chess^^~(thanks to my sweet & crazy dry sis Jenny^^~)~ started horse riding^^~ got confirmed as a real Christian^^~(but needs to learn more tho^^~ can't stop here:P~) Got elected prefect^^~ Had the greatest TC camp out of 4 camps in total^^~ more about that in the next tale^^~

So grade 11 is great^^~ it's like an exciting ride^^~ enjoyed it soo much^^~ whoever is going to grade 11 hope you enjoy it as much as me^^~ Loved it so so much^^~ mwah mwahz~ until the next tale lor^^~
Unknown "~^^Antz jie^^~" Dazed - 17 years, 1 month, 21 days ago
Thing about the TC camp is~~~ even tho every year they have similar lessons~ but every year you can still learn from it^^~ and you don't feel so much of a repeatation of the lessons^^~ you always are able to meet new friends^^~ see all your old ones^^~ I get to see all my dry families^^~ It's so extremely special^^~

This year's camp~ my second dry sis Ann came^^~ met her in person for the first time^^~ people don't ever recognize me when meeting in person:P~ Ann included^^:P~ but hey:P~ no need to blame anyone^^~ photos don't always show the exact duplicate of you in person^^~ besides:P~ I didn't recognize everyone on my list either:P~ so no biggie^^:P~

This year I was stuck in the~~~ how can I put it:P~ messy group:P~ the ages range were way too different so it didn't feel as special as 2005's camp:P~ but I met a big dry sis there^^~ I saw all my old dry sis^^~(besides Yeyan:P~ she couldn't come that year:P~) and still had a good time^^~ (if you exclude that that year my group mates had too many lil groups then it's great la:P~ some of us were trying to be a team^^~) Well this year's camp wasn't so fun:P~ but that is only coz I had a great 2005 camp^^~ but 2007 is another level of great fun at a camp^^~ which will be in the next or next next post^^~
Unknown "~^^Antz jie^^~" Dazed - 17 years, 1 month, 21 days ago
Okay~ Now that I've worked out which grade I was in in 2006 I can continue with my tale^^~ So grade 10~ we can choose our subjects^^~ We are the new ones of the new syllabus:P~ so our syllabus worked like this:P~

Compulsory ~~~ English~ Afrikaans~ Life Orientation~ Maths Core or Maths Literacy~
Choose another 3~ and you can have 1 extra if your school provides it:P~

So obviously I took the compulsories with Maths Core~ then the other 3 subjects I took~ Engineering Drawing and Design(rather use the old name for easy chatting about^^~ TD~)~ Physical Science(I call Physics for short:P~)~ Accountancy(aka Acco~)~ and Information Technology(known as ITEC)~ at that stage ITEC was given as extra~ could come to school every Tuesday for lessons~ in the beginning of the year it was understandable:P~ but later it got really hard:P~ around term 3 my one friend got like around 17% ne~.~ you see how bad it is>.<~ So yea:P~ end of the year I passed but without flying colours:P~

But that's the school part of it:P~ now for the chatting part:P~ So I was talking about my sms pal in the tale 2 post back:P~ so this year coz he just got back from Taiwan~ so didn't have much chats like the previous year~ and since we both in grade 10 we had less time to chat:P~ so therefore sorta lost a sms pal:P~ but we're still friends^^~ he's my facebook pal now^^~ can you guess who it is ma^^~ if not then too bad lor:P~ So yeah:P~ that's about the school and chat^^~ next tale is the tale of my TC camp in year 2006^^~
Unknown "~^^Antz jie^^~" Dazed - 17 years, 1 month, 21 days ago
It's too "early" now so I can't think of what happened in 2006~ but tune in when I remember(if I remember and don't mind sharing:P~) then I'll be writing more^^~
Unknown "~^^Antz jie^^~" Dazed - 17 years, 1 month, 25 days ago
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Unknown "Jen'z Chomi3" Hopeless - 16 years, 8 months, 11 days ago
probably something about food...yeah...hehe
Unknown "Jeffie" Sleepy - 16 years, 9 months, 6 days ago
so um ye. hows it going? my tales are really interesting :P lol thats y u can thumb twice.
Unknown "Jeffie" Sleepy - 16 years, 9 months, 7 days ago
Haha, i cn i im nt da only 自拍狂唷 :P
lol. jokes jokes~~ :P
Jst dropping by to say hi lor ^_^
Unknown "*NIni Nana*" Daring - 16 years, 9 months, 7 days ago
hahaha sure^^ err...jie i think we've got a prob ne ><" my mum told me today that my own religious camp is on the same days as the tc camp eh ><" ish so i cant go to tc la ><" not fair...+ im not goin to be in pta if i go which my parents would tell me to dnt have 2nd chance ne ><" i dont know wat to do le..
Unknown "BUM!!!BUM" Sleepy - 16 years, 9 months, 9 days ago
ohiyo jie!! long time no chat lor!! hehe^^
how u le?! hmm gud luck nd add oil with ur examz oh!! study hard ne =p
hehe just askin since tc is in pta~ [sonitus high] dont u want to come nd visit me ma?! lolz hee jokes la~
Unknown "BUM!!!BUM" Sleepy - 16 years, 9 months, 10 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Antz inventory~

Well I never really planned to own a shop here but lately I found some cute things that I'd like to sell^^~ hope you'll like it^^~

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I think I'm in love^^~
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I think I'm in love^^~
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Sweet sweet dreams to you~
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Sweet sweet dreams to you~
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Na ah~ no wayz XD~
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Na ah~ no wayz XD~
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Feeling bad~ forgive me &gt;.&lt
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Victory XD~~~~
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Victory XD~~~~
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where'd you think you're going
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where'd you think you're going
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LMAO ^-^~
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LMAO ^-^~
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Yes... I'm angry at you~.~
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Yes... I'm angry at you~.~
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Stop~ you're making me blush XD
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Stop~ you're making me blush XD
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You gotta try harder than that~~
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You gotta try harder than that~~
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I sssooo give up >.<~
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I sssooo give up &gt;.&lt;~
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Pssst~ let me tell you a secret~
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Mend my broken heart~
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A balloon for you^^~
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I'd say you're guilty XD~
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