Don't you just hate it when the shyte hits the fan. In 4 hrs I went from being relatively happy in a relationship to being free and single again. Oh well. life must go on. One door shuts and another door opens they say. ( always wondered who they were )? Anyway if you're interested in getting to know me. Let me know ok? :-}
Unknown ")0(" Wild
- 17 years, 13 days ago
So glad the temperatures are staying warm this week but the wind and rain's come in, damned hard at times too. I guess the mother thinks her child needs a wash and a drink. I love this planet. It's beautiful and so rare in the cosmos. Why are we all so hell bent on destroying it through carelessness. What happened to our true spirituality? Our sense of being at one with nature? Answers on a post card please............ ;-}
Unknown ")0(" Wild
- 17 years, 1 month, 29 days ago
Yay for the weekend. Kicked back and relaxing, gathering strength in readiness for another long week on the bike. Think it's gonna be another cold one. Sub zero temperatures are no fun at 85mph. Hope it doesn't rain this coming week lol. Hugs to all my thumb buddies and love to all. :-}
Unknown ")0(" Wild
- 17 years, 2 months, 3 days ago
I'm beginning to realise that the people on here are a wonderful, friendly and happy crowd. It gladdens my heart and gives me hope for the future. May the father watch over you and the mother bless you with bounty.
Unknown ")0(" Wild
- 17 years, 2 months, 5 days ago
Back at work today and it's getting colder. Weather forecast is for sub zero temeratures by the end of the week accompanied by snow. Brrrr. It's going to be damned cold on the bike for a while. Oh well life goes on I guess. Hope you're all happy and smiling because I sure am :-}
Unknown ")0(" Wild
- 17 years, 2 months, 6 days ago