this is called"slice n dice"
...lately i've been seeing meself slicing n dicing a pretty damn much, like that tym wn i was thinking of me ex n me friend in the same tym...i wanted 2 stop thinking about them coz i was apparently in a class, so i just simply sliced n diced all those thought with me mind... n not just like thoughts of, i visualized it, n i was seeing day dreaming n it was so damn refreshing..i got meself back on track 2 wateva the teach was saying n i was pleased with wat i did...pretty amazingly stupid ryt? :P another tym..i had a fyt with me big stupid ugly i hated her...n i really got pissed....n wn i get pissed, i usually go n find sumthing cheap n break it...(am not a waster >=() but i didnt..instead..i started fantasying meself silceiing n dicing that friend's picture in me head so i could feel betta n sleep...not only that, i went all the way in me fantasy 2 slicing n dicing the world into... parts =] was amazing n really felt betta*space out. n do the awesomeness slice n out more* .... n like since me n me friend didnt talk for a month, wneva i feel bad i just go on n slice n dice stuff, it became like abscission 2 even in the way 2 college i just imagine meself slicing n dicing the streets...n i totally space i do the chine up thing with eyes point 2 the sky n slice n dice wat i want in me own world..hell i even discovered it also helps wn i study=
like sumtyms me brains totally goes in2 different places... like ,the gurl that i friends... summer vacation..n studying in the same tym...i just slice n dice all those thoughts n ahaa!!!did that feel great?? yes it diiiid n am back 2 me book concentrating like i neva concentrated b4.. moreover , wn sumone pisses me off...this ability is like own personal DR.PHIL...i just space out...take me katana...sword .. chainsaw n start slicing n dicing on that losers ass..till i feel betta ...n hell yea,,i feel so betta...aah..i just wish i had a realy katana so i can really slice n dice in real life like i do wn am day dreaming...amazing....damnit...samurais r soo damn lucky..i jus wish i could really slice n dice me enemies :(
blablaa...long story/short...slice n dice anything i dont feels goood
Unknown Playful
- 16 years, 12 months ago