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Michael Quinn

Michael Quinn
Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds: We Love Weed!!, meowmaid meowmie mimie purr, Sherelle's Thumbs, Land of Inniskillin
Michael's tales
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Michael Quinn
A friend will come bail you out of jail. Your best friend will be there saying "Man did we screw up"
Michael Quinn "Genius@work" Rabid - 16 years, 4 months, 21 days ago
Michael Quinn
Beer wont solve your problems, but then again neither will milk!
Michael Quinn "Genius@work" Rabid - 16 years, 4 months, 21 days ago
Michael Quinn
Got me a job pays rite fine
got a woman fine as wine
got a house down in the dale
dont eat lunch from no lunch pail
all the rite parties all the rite pills
aint the 60's but speed still kills
live it love it its a ruse
mam o man Im hitting the booze
do some reds to stay awak
do some Valium whne I start to shake

Detox rox baby Detox rox
got me there in a little box detox rox baby detox rox
got me ther in a little box

Wifes fed up now shes gone
took the flamingo's off the lawn
lost my job my social rank
lost my house it went to the bank
got noone got no friends not a good one,one who lends
still got friends in the alley
sit around and drink Happy Valley


guys in white put me away
lock me up say I gotta stay
my spine creeps spiders crawl
cant hurt your self on rubbers walls.
demons kill me in twisted dreams
someone yells its a DT sceam
they let me out and I feel fine
so I bum a buck and buy some wine


Michael Quinn "Genius@work" Rabid - 16 years, 11 months, 21 days ago
Michael Quinn
It was a cold day at the border between N.B. and Quebec.Showers. No choice but to walk and walk and walk for 56 lilometers into Quebec.Not a drive from noon till midnight! Course i had lots of time to meditate on the fact my girl friend Cynthia who had hitchhiked from Ottawa to Saint John with me had insisted on taking the train back.Wasnt her thing but here I was at the top of some small mountainin the middle of the wood with a river roaring beside me, after wakling up it for a friggin hour. I just wanted to sleep when i saw the car lights approaching from around the bend. Waited a good 5 minutes for him to reach me.He stopped. After 12 hours! A DRIVE! As i get in the car the passenger who is having a pee gets back in the car. He says "i put it under the front seat" Now what do you put under the front seat. Drugs, booze or a weapon. Well they didnt get me high,or drunk!
Im leary,not Tim,or perhaps i'm wary! Oh second paragraphs always bother me! They can make or break the intro in the first so they make no sense or just go on blah blah blah and so forth and on and on, but i swear i wont do it . Now third paragraphs are good. Check it...
The two guys are going to Toronto. They are going to drop me at the Ottawa turn off that leaves me 150 k from home. Not bad 1000k drive and I can be in Ottawa to meet Cynthia's train. I still feel hinky (70's cop term or a rare Asian nemotode) but ....Well dont thesse guys get lost in Montreal! Driving on the Trans-Canada that they have closed. Main hiway poof gone. They start heading north and get completely lost. I get them going west on all these crazy little roads and ferries and we see the sign says Toronto, Once again I fall asleep cause it has been a long day.
I awake to the familiar sites of Ottawa,get dropped off 3 blocks from my house and the guys are gone down the road. I meet the girlfriends train and have a beautiful dinner of tabouli,mishi kibbe and my mouth waters again at the memory. Anywyas we get up for work the next day hit the local Timmies for a coffee. I open the paper and on page 2 is a story saying..local hitchhike sought by police. I think its kool hitch hikers in the paper. The guy was at the Quebec/NB border. Hey I was there maybe i saw this guy...The guys name is mike.
So this is what us critter writters call a cliff hanger.Why would I be in the newspaper? I'll tell you this much I was intrigued! And i read on........

Michael Quinn "Genius@work" Rabid - 17 years, 29 days ago
Michael Quinn
So my roommate got an iguana! I didnt think they got that big. He calls him Komodo.He seems to eat alot. I think he steals things. My leather coats and all my boots are gone.Not to mention the turkey off the table last Sunday. Hes not so bad though. The cat is gone,the f**king fish is slivers of glass on the floor and the parrot is in hiding. Well I have to go now. I have to barricade my door so things dont get eaten in the night. A small price to pay for not having to not listen to the parrot talk behind my back!
Michael Quinn "Genius@work" Rabid - 17 years, 1 month, 3 days ago
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A Friendship Flower! You have been given A Friendship Flower!.
Crafted by Adaniina Juola
angie1961 "angie" Playful - 15 years, 5 months, 20 days ago

Thank you for petting me! You have been given Thank you for petting me!.
Crafted by Unknown
Kathleen "Inwë Anwamanë" Tender - 15 years, 5 months, 21 days ago
Nice to hear from you, Michael :)
Rock concerts, art paints, the beach, I have a great summer, thanks... take care :) hugs

A day on the beach You have been given A day on the beach.
Crafted by star
angie1961 "angie" Playful - 15 years, 7 months, 23 days ago

smiley weekend You have been given smiley weekend.
Crafted by Penelope Binder
angie1961 "angie" Playful - 15 years, 8 months, 4 days ago

Friendship across the miles*• You have been given Friendship across the miles*•.
Crafted by Just M
angie1961 "angie" Playful - 15 years, 8 months, 18 days ago

Music For The Soul You have been given Music For The Soul.
Crafted by Big D
angie1961 "angie" Playful - 15 years, 8 months, 23 days ago
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Bizantine Bizzare


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