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"Aimee's Man"

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"Aimee's Man"
10519 pts
Unknown's tales
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been a hell of a ride and i finally can say i learned my true meaning

the time has come to do a little heart, body and soul cleaning

its been long overdue and way past the expiration date

to the phonies, cowards, cheats, wannabes and lames i will always be the one you will love to hate

not going out of my way anymore and not trying to be something im not

life is too short to worry about petty stuff and beating a dead horse over and over again while you listen to wack songs like "This Is Why Im Hot"

i always prayed to the Lord to give me someone who wants to be there for the right reasons, not hanging on to the coat tails and being a groupie

He works in mysterious ways and has blessed me a billion times over while the ones who were never a factor have about as much sex appeal as Whoopi

arrogant, cynical, pessimistic, paranoid were some of the words i heard when i was embarrassing myself and making and dating mistakes

I've lived and learned from all that and the past is gone. Now the present and the future are bright so crawl back in the grass with all the other snakes

Im truly happy now and never looking back

I truly embraced my role as the leader of the pack

the time is now and no use crying, whining or bitching or having regrets

stand back and learn from the best and stop acting like cadets

loyalty, respect, honor, trust are some hard to find virtues and qualities but they do exist

my baby has them all and she is truly heaven sent and yes if the doubters need to know she has the purest and sweetest lips i have ever kissed

Unknown "Aimee's Man" Sparkling - 16 years, 5 months, 11 days ago

Unknown "Aimee's Man" Sparkling - 16 years, 10 months, 19 days ago
let go of what is killing you and hold on tight to what keeps you breathing
Unknown "Aimee's Man" Sparkling - 17 years, 1 month, 1 day ago

they say the worst thing is to become what you hate the most

you lose a part of yourself and eventually become a ghost

that would be a shame now wouldnt it after all this time

to become another random statistic now thats almost a crime

after battling all the monsters and finally slaying the beast

the last thing you want is the last rites from some priest

i refuse to let that happen now since my future is clear

i cant be stopped no matter how hard you bring it my dear

once the wheels are turning there is no turning back

no stop signs no warnings so you waste your time talking smack

to live again you have to die thats what i was always told

no more gimmicks no more catchphrases that stuff gets old

this is me love it or leave it doesnt matter in the end

i been blessed with something you couldnt even begin to comprehend

i always finish what i start you can take that to the bank

im breaking barriers and destroying obstacles like a runaway tank

im not asking for permission and damn right im doing what i want

you should have left me alone when i told you so now its your dreams i will continue to haunt

Unknown "Aimee's Man" Sparkling - 17 years, 1 month, 2 days ago
The Evolution

the time for child's play has come and gone

this time there will only be one

i know i been over this over and over again

but this is where playtime is over and i begin

the lines have been drawn and now is the time to decide

who will be left standing and who will fall by the wayside

now is the time to step up and show your worth

this is something i was destined to become ever since birth

yes it took a few hard knocks and adversity to make me a man

thank god for that since that was part of his plan

my future is bright and i finally see the end

im going straight to the top dont you doubt that my friend

stop trying to kill what refuses to die stop hunting what you cant catch

do your homework silly you are no match

i got the big man on my side now and thats too bad for you

dont ever count me out i thought you knew

so keep doing what you do and hope that sucker gets you that ring

he will just be another one bowing down to the king of kings

Unknown "Aimee's Man" Sparkling - 17 years, 1 month, 2 days ago
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Alexander Graesser
random comment #523) peeking by
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 5 months, 29 days ago
Hi I came by and thumbed 15 pages. Please go to my human pet page and thumb my comments, leave a comment, write something about recycling, join my herd. Thank you.
Unknown "Susannas Fanclub" Serene - 16 years, 7 months, 29 days ago
Sarahjane Marshall

You have been given Hiya my new pet!!!.
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Sarahjane Marshall Sparkling - 16 years, 8 months, 2 days ago
NICE TALEZ>>>>><<<
i really like da first one.. lol.
have a nice day
You have been given ♠Flaming Marŧini♠.
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Unknown "LadyLace" Bold - 16 years, 8 months, 15 days ago
Gone Livin
Thank you for your bid xxx
You have been given Sensual grope.
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Gone Livin "past self" Bye Hp:] With <3 2 Close Frie - 16 years, 8 months, 17 days ago
Hey hope you're doing good! xx
You have been given Cruisin By to Say Hi !!.
Crafted by Maggie Jackson Carvalho
JerzzyBella "Maranda♥" Sparkling - 16 years, 8 months, 21 days ago
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