James Diffin
"My Old Account"
- 16 years, 2 months, 28 days ago
yes I did delete you off msn. You don't how upset I was that day. I still have your mobile number and I did text you maybe a couple of weeks ago but you didn't reply.
- 16 years, 3 months, 2 days ago
Don't be so sour about it still, you tend to hold a grudge for a while. And we did fall out, your last words to me were 'fuck off' remember? So I didn't just 'go off' without help from you. I deleted you off facebook for the simple reason that I thought if you're out of sight then you're out of mind but it clearly doesn't work because I still think about you. I don't know why we can't just be friends, or is that too much to ask? And no I'm not dating anyone, shock, horror! Im too busy sorting out coursework and working at the minute.
- 16 years, 3 months, 3 days ago
Miss you though, can't believe you are being so stubborn. Theres no me and Tony anymore, just me, myself and I. Just thought it would please you to know that I'm sad and alone.
- 16 years, 3 months, 8 days ago