"My owner is my sister and she just died. Please do not buy me ever because she can't buy me back."
About me:
None of this matters now because my sister, my owner, just died and i'm falling apart. God I'll miss you Traci, I can't believe you're gone.
She's been gone for just over two months now and I still wonder everyday what I'm going to do without her :( She was my best friend my whole life.
Before, when life was normal and real and not surreal and hurtful, this was my About Me:
I love all sorts of animals. I think they're just a different culture of people.
The world has too much knowledge for one person to ever think they know it all.... thank god for Wikipedia!!
I like things that make you think outside the box: oddly shaped furniture, kaleidoscopes, mouse-hair rocks, George Carlin, etc.
My best days are when my world becomes a comedy or a musical.
ANIMOLOGY: What Animal Are You?
Your Result: Teal Cat
You're the Teal Kitty Cat! You're as swift and sly as a ninja and very hard to please. You can be very soft yet very cruel at the same time. Your soul mate is the beige racoon and you're in conflict with the red jaquar.
If you wouldn't be embarrassed if I talk to animals, out loud, in public; if I speak to people in elevators; if, on a tour of the Sydney Opera House, I sing on the stage, or any outdoor amphitheater that happens to be empty; if I dance in the grocery store because they're playing a song I like; or if I attempt to make people who take themselves to seriously laugh, then please, drop me a line :)
My owner is my sister. It's been 69 days since she last pet me, 67 days since she last wrote and 66 days since she died :(
I miss her so much. I still can't believe it. I'm sad all the time and I cry every day. My first memory in life is Traci singing "You are my sunshine" to me.
My sister Tina signed The River by Brian Doerksen at her Memorial Service. It was beautiful so I filmed her and put together a video with some pictures of Traci.
Also at her Memorial Service, her daughter Toni sang Promise to Try by Madonna. Again, it was beautiful so I recorded Toni singing it later.
Toni singing to her Mom, Traci. - Promise to Try by Madonna
My nephew Micheal played Amazing Grace on the trumpet to start, my sister Cheryle read one of Traci's poems, Dad read 1st Corinthians 13 and I gave the eulogy. Then we had a piper pipe her out to Amazing Grace.
If you allow activeX or blocked content at the site, you will be able to hear the music we've picked out for each page.
I miss her so :( Heartlight "My Zoo Girl"Sad
- 16 years, 3 months, 18 days ago
My sister:
It's been 38 days since she last pet me, 36 days since her last message and 35 days since she died :( I miss her so much.
Today has been a very hard day. Everything I did today reminded me of Traci and how she's not here to share my life with anymore.
One thing that I am ever grateful for is the knowledge that I told her how much she meant to me. I was with her husband and daughters over this past weekend and her daughter pointed out, and her husband gave to me, a card that Traci still had up that I had given her. It didn't have a date so I don't know when I sent it but at least I know now, for certain, that at least at one time in our lives I did tell her how important she was to me. The card read:
The picture on this card reminds me of innocence. And innocence is also how I would describe our relationship. Innocence is freedom and together we are free to be who ever we choose to be - in the moment.
The innocence of our relationship... The freedom to be... ...devilish, vindictive, vulgar, humourous, intelligent, creative, needy, humble, spiritual, full of wonder and full of LOVE.
You are the best friend I ever had
I needed to share this with the world as a way of shouting out how important Traci was to me.
It's so hard to imagine my life going on without her in it.
I got some counselling the other day which helped me to understand that I get to keep this part of Traci that was our relationship forever. That helped because I thought there was only memories left and memories can be forgotten. But I realize now that I can keep our relationship alive inside of me and that she still is and always will be the best friend I ever had.
But I still miss her terribly. I still can't believe she's gone.
We've set up a website for her:
http://www3.telus.net/powers/index.html ... ... ... ... I wish you were here Traci, I wish you knew how important you were to everyone in this family, I wish you could be here to share your wisdom and your humour and your love. I miss you sooo much and I hate this world today for making me go on without you in my life. Please help me to have strength.
Love forever and ever and ever, Steph Heartlight "My Zoo Girl"Sad
- 16 years, 4 months, 20 days ago
Q&A Found this in someones tales. Here are my answers, pls. repost in your tales with your answers.
Yes or No 1. You can ONLY answer Yes or No! 2. You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages or comments you and Asks!
Kissed anyone one of your HP friends? No Been arrested? No Kissed someone you didn't like? Yes Slept in until 5 PM? Yes Fallen asleep at work/school? Yes Held a snake? Yes Ran a red light? Yes Been suspended from school? Yes Totaled your car/motorbike in an accident? No Been fired from a job? No Sang karaoke? Yes Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Yes Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? No Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes Kissed in the rain? Yes Sang in the shower? Yes Sat on a rooftop? Yes Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes? Yes Broken a bone? No Shaved your head? No Blacked out from drinking? Yes Played a prank on someone? Yes Felt like killing someone?Yes Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? Yes Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? No Been in a band? No Shot a gun? Yes Tripped on mushrooms? Yes Donated Blood? No Eaten alligator meat? No Eaten cheesecake? Yes Still love someone you shouldn't? Yes Think about the future? Yes Believe in love? Yes Sleep on a certain side of the bed? No Heartlight "My Zoo Girl"Sad
- 16 years, 7 months, 7 days ago
Another Perspective
Fairy Godmother #238 was having a particularly trying day. After being an intermediary between the Godfather, who was getting cranky in his old age, and Fairy Godmother #412, 238 was ready for bed on cloud nine.
When the action bell above her bed rang, Fairy Godmother 238 was surprised to hear a curse escape her lips. She at once apologized, forgave herself, blessed herself, then called Central Control. Her mission, she was informed, was to help a young girl who was being held prisoner physically and mentally in her own home. Feeling that this was a worthy enough assignment to lose sleep over, 238 packed her wand and descended to the thickness of the earth.
She found her charge crying in a garden. The sight of this one called Cinderella sobbing into a hard bench made 238's heart harden towards those who could have inflicted such misery. "Why are you crying, dearest?" 238 asked once she materialized.
Cinderella's tears stopped with a shock. "Who are you?" she asked warily, turning her body as though to run.
"Why, I'm your Fairy Godmother, dear." 238 projected such love at the girl that Cinderella's body eased and she fell into her Fairy Godmother's arms sobbing about the unfairness of her step-mother and sisters.
#238 was starting to realize the horror this girl lived through and was preparing the universe in anticipation of Cinderella's wish to live on her own. She was all set to grant that wish, the energies poised on the tip of her wand, when Cinderella blurted out "I wanted to go to the ball!" and fell back into 238's arms, saying no more.
Fairy Godmother 238 was taken aback by this request and her heart sank. Now, she could not help this girl be free of her prison. By Cinderella's own words 238 was now limited to giving her "a night out".
Angered by the girls foolishness and Central Control's lack of investigation, 238 hurried through the routine of furnishing the empty-headed one the means to attend the ball. She had to admit, it was great work. All the energy that had been available for a great house and many riches did a spectacular job on the girl. Cinderella was quite beautiful with her new gown and tiara.
But 238, weary from the day and the frustration of the assignment, let her emotions get the better of her. By way of punishment she informed Cinderella that her dream could only last till midnight. With that, an extremely grateful Cinderella made her way to some dance and 238 started the airy flight back to bed.
As 238 tucked herself into the clouds she remarked to Central Control, "such a silly little twit. I'm sure we'll be hearing from her again."
SP 1996 Heartlight "My Zoo Girl"Sad
- 16 years, 7 months, 11 days ago
Snot Tales
The little guys, hiding and playing, jumping and rolling. They are proud of their many races and saddened at the fear they evoke in the non-initiated. Yet, many have friends on the outside: Little Bobbie, who's always quick to share food with them; Susan and Marsha, the twins, who like to transport the Greenies back and forth between them. Oh the Greenies have such sport with this. And when they make it home, granted sometimes they take quite a long time, (although they do get a wonderful tour of the digestive system) they relate the wonderful time they've had and the marvels on the outside. And they have no prejudice. The Greenies will slide right over to the respected and older Hard Ones and describe to them, as they are blind, each moment and the quivering it brought.
Sadly, in this society, the elder Hard Ones don't last very long. And once they venture outside are never seen again. The little ones are told they have gone to take their place in the great hair-tunnel in the sky.
Oh yes, it is a joyous relationship that is cultivated between each species. Even distant relatives are enjoined in this harmony. Indeed, the large cousins from the north often come down and celebrate, leaving their passages to fill with even more party-goers.
And when one or two of them wake on a soft blanket of white the next day, they can only shake their head to try to bring the remembrance of what exactly happened the night before.
SP 1996 Heartlight "My Zoo Girl"Sad
- 16 years, 7 months, 11 days ago