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Shawner | - Free online hangout and friends
MarkoDynamo owns this human at 19146 points.

"RAA Leader"

Shawner , 35/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:2:42 AM
Join date:17 years, 1 month, 7 days ago
Location: Sudbury, Ontario Canada

"i waited 10 hours outside of walmart when the Wii came out, and that, i am proud of:)"
About me:
my names Shawna. i live in sudbury. heard of it? probably not.. we have a giant nickel here.. we call it "the big nickel"... original. i know....its in ontario.. canada.. no i do NOT ride sled dogs or live in an igloo, but i do have an Eskimo jacket:).... i have a baby... HER (not "it" "he" "the kid") name is Kirra (, im strange, somewhat obnoxious.. my natural hair colour is dirty blonde. but you dont need to know that. as far as you know. i have black hair with blonde in it:) thank you.. my eyes are.. well. if you saw my picture you know what colour they are. the end.
About you:
...i would like to meettt.. hmmm.... preferably not a pedifile.. i have a baby:P..but now days.. since shes not a little boy.. i'm sure we'd be fine... michael jackson.. i hope you read this.
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Bi

525 pts

"imagangstter r"
70 pts

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50 pts
Shawner's tales
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Wells' i havent updated this thinger in a while.. well.. in.. 211 days, 8 hours and 27 minutes from right now :D.. and i figure that right now would be an excellent time because..well cause im bored :D Michael Jacksons dead now.. so heres a dead MJ joke.. "when farah fawcett died..she asked god to save the children.. so he killed michael jackson" ....
im cold once again.. 211 days later... but i was warm in between now and 211 days ago thank god... its now 9 degrees.. that would be 49 degrees Fahrenheit.. but im canadian so bite me..... im so cold that i feel as if my fingers are going to freeze onto the keyboard making me have to go put my hands and the keyboard in hot water, which in turrrn would ruin the keyboard and possibly burn my hands... after making them more cold then they were before they froze onto my keyboard.. its not a good situation.. anyway.. i recently started dating a new guy after getting out of an almost 4 year relationship.. hes a sweetheart.. i met him around 3 years ago through friends. hes pretty much the pea to my pod.. the wiener to my bun (that sounded bad)... the water to my bottle.. (im finding random objects and naming them off)....for halloween im being a school girl.. my boyfriends going to be a teacher. rawr now, isnt it?.... i just dyed my hair dark brown.. its pretty much the colour that most people poo, unless of course they eat something really blue.. in that case their poo would be greenish.. my hairs not greenish.. but you know what i mean. i dont like it very much... im going to stop typing now because i feel as if im wasting my life and by the time you get to here you'll be like ...WTF... (picture provided below).. so goodbye again for now :D
Shawner "RAA Leader" Loyal - 15 years, 6 months, 10 days ago
Im cold. very cold. not normal cold. its a constant 'doesnt matter how many blankets you put on or how many layers of clothes youre wearing, youre still gonna freeze your butt off' cold.and its been going on for... a lonnngg time.. like.. 3 days.. i take a shower and i feel like i put myself in a giant brick of ice, David Blaine style. i thought about lighting myself on fire last night but changed my mind after realizing that the thought sounded much better in my head.... hmmm
Shawner "RAA Leader" Loyal - 16 years, 1 month, 6 days ago
oh, and i got a new dog, this one i can actually KEEP. hes not a horse... his name is chewie. chewie says hi. hes "in da hood" get it.. har.har...k bye.
Shawner "RAA Leader" Loyal - 16 years, 3 months, 13 days ago
i stayed up all night..... know why? rockband,... it should have a limiter on it. its taking over my life. it sucks in my brain, and my fingers, makes me unable to do anything else but play it, and that includes taking away my sleeping and putting me on a very very awkward schedule. they should have RBA meetings (RockBand Anonymous). admit it. i wouldnt be the only one.ive even became good at playing guitar and singing at the same time with no mic stand, i use my knees to hold it. you can tell i havent slept..i just keep going on and on. but as im typing this. im taking breaks at every period to play another song. ive already beat the game. now im just... k sorry had to play more. now im just making sure i have 5 stars on everyyyy song. i need live points, i want some more going to attempt to fall asleep. think it'll work? i dont... specially considering the guitars in front of my face.
Shawner "RAA Leader" Loyal - 16 years, 3 months, 13 days ago
why i had a bad day.. today .. i had a bad day because i had to get rid of my dog.. his name was Teddy. and yes this is a real story.. anyways.. we drove for an hour to the ladies house who was english so she had a funny accent... she has another dog. and 2 kids. so he will be happy. i thought i was fine. i walked out of the house. into the car.. then my boyfriend said i quote "aww hes gone now:( i want him back* so i started getting sad and turned my head to think about something else. then he said "are you crying* and as soon as i said no.. i started crying my eyes out. and now im blind.... ok no. i didnt cry them OUT but i cried alot. i still feel like crap right now. but, he'll be happy there. lots of room to run around and the the big goof that he is.
Shawner "RAA Leader" Loyal - 16 years, 11 months, 26 days ago
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Whatchya Doooin? You have been given Whatchya Doooin?.
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Patrick - 15 years, 4 months, 11 days ago
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Good Morning Sunshine ~  You have been given Good Morning Sunshine ~ .
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AJ Chase ":D" Sparkling - 15 years, 5 months, 24 days ago
Adelheid Murat

You are So... You have been given You are So....
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Adelheid Murat "Adler" Seductive - 15 years, 6 months, 19 days ago

a wii game!! You have been given a wii game!!.
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SiN "QuintEssence" - 15 years, 7 months, 3 days ago
No Name No Soul

lick it You have been given lick it.
Crafted by Shawner
No Name No Soul Hungry - 15 years, 7 months, 3 days ago
No Name No Soul

bling lips You have been given bling lips.
Crafted by G-O-N-E
No Name No Soul Hungry - 15 years, 7 months, 3 days ago
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Shawner's shop

...its a shop.

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your mom!
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200 pts
your mom!
Bought by 8 people
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200 pts
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bush monkey
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bush monkey
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nom nom nom
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200 pts
nom nom nom
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'fro rly
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200 pts
'fro rly
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dirty mind
1 use

200 pts
dirty mind
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take it
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200 pts
take it
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lick it
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200 pts
lick it
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sex on the brain
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200 pts
sex on the brain
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jesus saves
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200 pts
jesus saves
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head bangin'
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200 pts
head bangin'
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say cheese
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250 pts
say cheese
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i'll rub your pussy
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150 pts
i'll rub your pussy
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face plant
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face plant
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blood cry
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blood cry
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