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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown, 36/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:2:15 AM
Join date:17 years, 4 months, 1 day ago
Location: Davis, CA United States

"Stand back. I'm armed with a spoon. And my stereo turns into a giant robot."
About me:
I love animals... even the ugliest ones are cute (cue the scorpion). One of the best ways to befriend me it to have pets. And let me hug them. I also like video games. Yay, video games! Die, you ugly Rathalos bastard, DIE! Oh, sh**t, poison...
I'm studying at Davis in Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology. I wanna be a field biologist or park ranger later. Yeah. Coolness. An outdoor job with bugs and critters and mud. Good times. After Davis, I'm headed to flight school. I'm gonna start with fixed-wing aircraft, make the move to choppers (I've heard its cheaper to get your chopper license that way), and after I have enough hours I wanna fly for search and rescue. I also have secret plans to fly my friends' corporate jets when they strike it rich.
I LIKE TRUCKS! As in actual pickup trucks (SUVs don't count, 'yall, although Jeeps are pretty bitchin'). Can't afford one now, but I can see a big red dually in my future.
What else... Oh! I'm a complete geek, and play Dungeons & Dragons almost religiously. I like druids. My DM's don't, cuz I pwn all their monsters all the time. Mufufufufufufufufufufu!!!
I like Transformers. Like the show from the '80s. So old, so corny, so very very good. Go Soundwave! And Screamer! Blaster and Wheeljack are my absolute favorites, though. Yes, the geekdom just oozes from me.
About you:
I like nice people. And geeks. Nice, geeky people get hugs. Can't ever have too many hugs. Here, here's one for free. *huggles*
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds: Nerds are Sexy, Dungeons and Dragons Herd, Transformers Fan Club

500 pts

"Sir Panda"
450 pts

145 pts
Unknown's tales
Oh, its been so long since I've been on Facebook. Wow, the new user interface really does suck. At least HP is still the same. Yeah.

I got a job! Like an actual job, not my 'really fun but doesn't pay me anything' stint-at-the-zoo job. I drive busses now. Let me tell you, you don't realize how crappily people drive until you try to maneuver a forty-foot bus in traffic where people drive like shit. Merging? Oh boy; you have to practically force you way into the lane. Granted, you're in a twenty-ton bus, so that crazy in the red Hummer has to let you in, or he's gonna total his car.

And what about the wackoes ON the bus? Some of my collegues have had to call the cops to get people kicked off. I haven't had any of those crazies yet, but I will... I can feel it...

But all things aside, I love my job. It pays well. Seriously, if you need a job, go work for transit. Cuz then you get to show people you super-special-awesome new driver's license. Yeah.
Unknown "Soundwave" Panicky - 16 years, 4 months, 29 days ago
It feels SO GOOD to be back home in Texas. I missed Austin so much. The people are more open and weird than in the Bay Area. And you can go outside at night and not worry about getting mugged! And downtown Austin actually has a nightlife; in Oakland, all the stores and restaurants are closed by 5:30. Austin has places to go eat until 1:00 am. Yeah. I would stay here if UC Davis weren't also pretty awesome. Why my parents moved to Oakland, I'll never know...
Unknown "Soundwave" Panicky - 16 years, 8 months, 24 days ago
Oh Primus on a pogo stick, the school year's almost over... Then I'm headed back down to Texas to see my A-dog. She and I are gonna kick it old school with some mad camping action. Yeah.

You can tell that I have absolutely no street knowledge what-so-ever. I think that only the fact that I'm apparently rather scary has kept me from getting mugged. Except by creepos. I seem to attract them like f#@%^ing flies.

But that's why I have 'Creepo Begone!' Not to be confused with 'OFF! For Creepos.'

Primus below, I'm bored...
Unknown "Soundwave" Panicky - 16 years, 9 months, 8 days ago
I have four F*#@#in' papers due this week. FOUR 1500-word papers! I'm ready to stab someone. At leased two of them are almost interesting. Almost. Still, thats way to much time spent in front of a computer. Damned midterms...
Unknown "Soundwave" Panicky - 16 years, 9 months, 21 days ago
College. Sucks. Balls. At least half the time.

Admit it, you know its true.

You know how when you leave high school and you're all "Yeah, movin' out of the house. My parents can't tell me what to do and I can do whatever I want, and there's no curfew and its gonna ROCK.... Yeah." And then you get there, and you realize that the college really wants you to spend more money than you need to (textbooks for one quarter should NOT cost $400), and teachers have midterms 3 freakin' times, a term paper, AND a final... and your taking four other classes exactly like that, and one of them has a lab.

Don't get me wrong; parts of college do rock, but the good times are your coffee break before your next paper comes up and ninjas you in the face. And don't forget that they send you letters monthly to remind you to pay them. Like you've forgotten that you're giving them $27,000 a year to go there.

*sigh* Okay, there's my rant for the day. I actually need to finish this paper now. Note to the world (or at least people in the UC system): UWP classes suck rancid, watery crocodile testicles. A 7-page paper on DICTION?! *hackgag*
Unknown "Soundwave" Panicky - 16 years, 9 months, 23 days ago

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Hey, I kinda forgot HP for a while 'cause I was relaunching my brand -

Check it out if you feel like it...
Unknown "tina's bay boy!" Beat[en/ified] - 16 years, 2 months, 13 days ago
Facebook stalking FTW! ...Er, that came off a lot creepier than I intended... >.>
Unknown "Simon Tam" Playful - 16 years, 2 months, 29 days ago
Mark Baker
Spread the word - it's the Have You herd. Come join today?

Mark Baker "Hubby" Loving - 16 years, 4 months, 19 days ago
Nice Pet Name.
Unknown "for sale" Cheeky - 16 years, 7 months, 22 days ago
Pleae check out my new herd( It needs members)

Christoph "best friend" dodo do do doo dodo do do doo - 16 years, 8 months, 13 days ago

You have been given a relaxing day at the beach.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "My 1st Profile" alone - 16 years, 8 months, 15 days ago
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