Sorry to hear about your job hun! :o That sucks :/
I left the Hospice & got a job as team leader in a residential care home I worked in years ago as a care assistant.
Got messed about something terrible!
Told me I could start as soon as they'd received my paperwork back from the CRB & POVA.
All came back clear, end of November I think...maybe the beginning of December.
Well,I heard nothing from them for weeks.I even went on holiday after x-mas.I thought sod it...I'm not waiting around for you!
It all boiled down to the fact that they didn't want to have to pay me double time for working over the festive period.
A letter came through saying that the manager...(who hasn't got a bloody clue may I add!)had tried to contact me without success.(I never picked up her messages...was too annoyed)so...if I'm still interested in the position then I should contact her within the next 7 days.
Well...I left it.
Tbh...& I don't mean to sound big headed here,but I think that I can do a bit better than that.
I would have gotten bored very quickly had I have taken the job on.
I also felt...seeing as I'd worked there b4,like it was a step back...if that makes sense?
So,I'm not working either :/
No idea whats happening,where I'm going or whats gonna happen next.
Just happy(ish) taking each day as it comes and going with the flow.