In the land of Felina there are no laws, no rules. Paws before laws. We have never been in need of written laws and do whatever we want to do.
We keep humans, not because we need them, but it's a lot more comfortable.
Love me or leave me, may be I care, but I'll never show you. I may love you today and forget you to morrow.
When I love you, I'll show it with body and soul. When I hate you, I'll go for your throuth.
When I don't care, you're as interesting as thin air.
Ignore me, and I'll show you that's so wrong!
Love me and call on me, and I'll turn my tail at you.
When you're hurt I'll lick your wounds, if you laugh I'll slap you or walk away.
This is the tale of the inhabitants of Felina, this could be the story about me.
Love me and watch, hate me and take care, ignore me and be even more careful - you'll never know when I'll shower you with my love and hate, fur and teeth.
Remember me. I'm here for you. Or not. Kiss.
Unknown Purring
- 17 years, 1 month, 24 days ago