- 16 years, 1 month, 11 days ago
each day a new reason to give up, each day another reason to sigh, a hundred thousand way to live up, a hundred thousand ways to try! Unknown"PerfectGentleman"Dazed
- 16 years, 1 month, 17 days ago
time is a thing we can´t touch, and is such a big shame that time rule over our life... Unknown"PerfectGentleman"Dazed
- 16 years, 1 month, 17 days ago
I want to thank everybody near me , everybody I crossed few words in my life, because all of you saw how much stronger I´ll become! ;) Unknown"PerfectGentleman"Dazed
- 16 years, 1 month, 17 days ago
happy new year! Unknown"PerfectGentleman"Dazed
- 16 years, 2 months, 26 days ago
ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.. te estaño yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... wuelveeeeeeeeeeeeeee... jajajaja.. mugre dramosa que soy :P... mmmm.. pero creo que necesito una compañia.. y no tas... ni moros... :P espero que valga la pena el que te me hayas ido... y por lo menos andes de party en party... y de bebida en bebida... :D beshos y un abracito para mi petie hermoso :D
Cynthia Rubio
"My Sunshine :)"Playful
- 16 years, 28 days ago
y como andabamos en la reparticion de cosas viejas y olvidadas... aqui ta uno... pero es bastante dulce... jajajaja.. en reemplazo de lo que no te di en navidaaaaa ni dia de reyes.. :P