The binding rope burns my skin, but I welcome it's touch.
I feel exposed but know where I must be.
How long have I been here? How long will I remain?
Will I ever understand who tied me here and why?
I close my eyes and feel the moonlight as it crosses my broken body.
I feel the wind as it pulls at my anger, begging for me to let go.
But I can't, though I can not remember why it is here, or why I need it.
I realize the pain is not solely mine. I am not alone.
I share this body with another. So why do I hurt it?
Perhaps I am only trying to hurt but the joining is strong and eternal.
This I can not forget.
The release is calming and calls to me time and time again.
Each time I resist the urge, I feel as I have started to crawl from the hole.
Each day brings new light, and new darkness.
The battle continues, and with each day comes no resolution.
When will she come?
If she were here what would she say for me?
Would she tell me to stop fighting, and just to take her hand?
Would she tell me that she understands the pain, but cannot take it away?
Would she just hold me, take my to her breast, and watch me sleep?
Could it really be that all I seek is within my grasp?
When she comes, will she remove that which binds me?
Perhaps she will tighten the binds that hold me .... remember.
Her arrival scares as much as her leaving.
I think the time has come to go.
I must decide if I belong with the tree, or it has taught me enough.
My limbs ache from the pulling. My skin raw frpm it's bareness to the tree.
I must wait for her. Give myself to her. She will share my pain.
Unknown "Thorin" Uncertain
- 17 years, 1 month, 16 days ago