Hi ASH.....PLS FORGET ABOUT ME......!!!!!Don't even pet me.....we meet next life ........
- 16 years, 4 months, 7 days ago
Dear Ash, How are you? Still busy? I have been busy and caught cold... as you may know... but I feel OK now. You are not the only one who does not reply promptly...^^; Don't be sorry...hehe
- 16 years, 7 months, 4 days ago
Movies... I like it. I like romance comedies..^^ Sorry, I don't even want to think about bad things... Why do you suddenly have an interest in my pics????
- 16 years, 7 months, 17 days ago
Sure, which move are we going to watch?
I removed all pics after a couple of bad experiences. Well.. wannt see some of my pics??? *^^* I check message here every day.. .just do not reply everyday. Hope you too have a great weekend!!! Thanks for buying me in hfs..^_*