Beaming Moonlight
Woe’s and worries twist in my mind.
Your sweet whispers turning them to mist
Thoughts relaxing from your words so kind
All but you turning into wisps.
Sun break through the clouds as your soft murrs dissolve my vain.
Like an angel from the sky you lifted me up and made me fly.
Your gentle touch and warm words granting wings on which I soar
Feeling free when with you and laying in the gloom no more.
You do all for me yet I can do little for you,
But I will be there if you fall, to catch you if your wings disembalm.
My mind is broken but my heart doesn’t lie,
It wants to see you smile and spread your wings to the sky.
I’d hold you all day and hold you all night, keeping you close to me near the soft light.
But my life I will give to save you from the dark.
Even if all I have is a spark.
And angel like you in the shadows should not be.
I’ll give you my hand and pull you free.
Just like you did for me.
-Dennis Vanderkerken ©.
Unknown "♥ Lil One" Loyal
- 16 years, 12 months, 4 days ago