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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
Hasan Eren
Hasan Eren owns this human at 105000 points.



Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds: Ads Area, Croatian Lobby
Unknown's tales
Samo za saru!:)
Unknown ".:TiXY:." Panicky - 16 years, 9 months, 7 days ago
Un uomo intelligente
Mettendosi gli occhiali
Ha fatto distinzione
Fra gli esseri animali
E quelli vegetali

In terza media scopro che i regni sono cinque
Fatti a loro volta
da generi molto diversi tra loro

Se non esistessero i fiori, riusciresti a immaginarli?
Se non esistessero i pesci, riusciresti a immaginarli?

In altre zone di questo universo
E' facile da realizzare
Esiste tutto ciò che io non riesco ancora ad immaginare

Praticamente ovvio
Che esistano altre forme di Vita

Oggi ho fatto tardi
Però mi sembra strano
Che solamente noi
Siamo stati generati dal caso
Questo è un po' egoista
E poco fantasioso
E forse un po' cattolico
Poco divertente
Molto presuntuoso

Se non ci fossero i funghi, riusciresti a immaginarli?
Se non esistessero le alghe, riusciresti a immaginarle?

Le stelle che riesco a vedere
Sono una piccola percentuale
Esiste tutto ciò che io non riesco ancora ad immaginare

Praticamente ovvio
Che esistano altre forme di Vita
Unknown ".:TiXY:." Panicky - 16 years, 9 months, 28 days ago
Tko zna,
ah, nitko nista ne zna.
Krhko je znanje...
Mozda je pao trak istine u me, a mozda su sanje. Jos bi nam mogla desiti se ljubav.
Desiti - velim,
Ali ja ne znam da li da je zelim, ili ne zelim.
(Dobriša Cesarić Povratak)
Unknown ".:TiXY:." Panicky - 16 years, 11 months, 15 days ago
Quant'è bella giovinezza,
che si fugge tuttavia!
chi vuol esser lieto, sia:
di doman non c'è certezza
(Lorenzo il Magnifico, Canzone di Bacco e Arianna)
Unknown ".:TiXY:." Panicky - 16 years, 11 months, 15 days ago
Amor, ch'a nullo amato amar perdona,
Mi prese del costui piacer sì forte,
Che, come vedi, ancor non m'abbandona.

Love, which absolves none who are loved from loving,
Gave me such strong pleasure in loving him,
That, as you can see, it still does not leave me.
(Dante Alighieri , canto V Inferno)

Unknown ".:TiXY:." Panicky - 16 years, 11 months, 15 days ago

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Hasan Eren
Hey Tea! let me first wish you good luck on studying. I'm good, just relaxing my mind today
missed you.. take care yourself. Let me treat you something :)
yummy dessert for u ♥ You have been given yummy dessert for u ♥.
Crafted by kam sa
Hasan Eren "♥~bearie`love" - 15 years, 10 months, 4 days ago
Hasan Eren
I'm ok Tea.. Here weather is going same, keep changing.. My mood also going like weather, one time depressed orher time ok.. At least I don't feel depressed this week.. How is everything going?
Hasan Eren "♥~bearie`love" - 15 years, 11 months, 5 days ago
Hasan Eren
hey Tea, still in same job but using public transporatation better.. Weather turned very warm here but I caught half cold. Now trying to not be sick :)
What about you? How is everything going?
Hasan Eren "♥~bearie`love" - 15 years, 12 months, 3 days ago
Emma Sergo

dumplings filled with apricot You have been given dumplings filled with apricot.
Crafted by Unknown
Emma Sergo "Naughty cat" Naughty - 15 years, 12 months, 4 days ago
Hasan Eren
only new thing is by using wrong public bus I made my travelling too long today :P
So much travelling everyday makes me tired too much.. Guess I'm gonna sleep all weekend :)
Weather here keeps chaging, sunny, rainy, cold, warm.. But I'm still not sick.. Take care :)
Hasan Eren "♥~bearie`love" - 16 years, 10 days ago
Hasan Eren
good morning Tea.. Job meeting was ok, but the computer I'm gonna use was kinda mess. I never seen such a desktop, hundreds of images and flies just staying there.. I wonder how old employee was finding what he needs from in it.. Let me try to give an order to everything slowly :)
I forgot to mention about something before.. Company owner is graduated from the same university from me, and has a good character away from religious view.. In istanbul I was mostly meeting with radical type muslims, I don't like them and they're kinda from another planet.. Good thing I won't deal them in izmir.
Greece girls are lovely, I don't have a real life friend but here I have 2 greek pets :)
You have a nice sunday too..
By the way that picture is an iteresting one.. what type pill that one is? :))
Hasan Eren "♥~bearie`love" - 16 years, 15 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Tea's pastry shop

Sells fresh-baked cookies, cakes, pastries, pies and ice-cream!

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Enrico's cupcakes
1 use

150 pts
Enrico's cupcakes
Bought by 17 people
strawberry jelly
1 use

150 pts
strawberry jelly
Bought by 8 people
1 use

175 pts
Bought by 10 people
Cornetto e cappuccino
1 use

200 pts
Cornetto e cappuccino
Bought by 43 people
dumplings filled with apricot
1 use

200 pts
dumplings filled with apricot
Bought by 15 people
1 use

200 pts
Bought by 37 people
1 use

175 pts
Bought by 38 people
donuts for breakfast
1 use

175 pts
donuts for breakfast
Bought by 29 people
Melon and Ice Cream
1 use

150 pts
Melon and Ice Cream
Bought by 78 people
strawberry jelly with ice cream
1 use

135 pts
strawberry jelly with ice cream
Bought by 44 people
multi flavour ice cream
1 use

150 pts
multi flavour ice cream
Bought by 74 people
strawberry granita
1 use

150 pts
strawberry granita
Bought by 32 people
Frozen Yogurt Pops
1 use

150 pts
Frozen Yogurt Pops
Bought by 50 people
cake with hazelnuts
1 use

200 pts
cake with hazelnuts
Bought by 54 people
sacher torte
1 use

150 pts
sacher torte
Bought by 44 people
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