Inspiration void, motivation nil. Time to watch some Foxtel, And take another pill. I toil with life's obstacles, like workers in a mine. Forage, dig and seek, but no treasure do I find. Can you believe I know a man, who recently read my rhymes, replied he thought that they were sad, and therefore so must I? So I wondered if there are many, Who think the same as he, who feel this work is full of pathos. Do be taken seriously? So for the record; I must mention, The opposite is true, I write this crap tongue in cheek and for something else to do.
Unknown Crazy
- 16 years, 2 months, 26 days ago
It seems I've been asked to pen some more "prose" So fuck it, I thought, and to the challenge I rose. But what could one want with the crap that I think? Pity, self doubt; a life on the brink. It says more about you than it does about me But I crave for attention, so oblige happily. Lately I'm torn between the old and the new The feelings I thought and the thoughts that I knew. So down it goes for the annals of time My silly, indulgent, ridiculous rhyme. And I offer it up to Sir Sandilands, Knowing he's one of my seventeen fans.
Unknown Crazy
- 16 years, 3 months, 20 days ago
When I'm trying to think of reasons to live, Crappy old cliches are all I can give. Like good friends and sunsets, relaxing in bed, a great book, a holiday, getting good head. But I want a passion, a real lust for life, but each time I try, I'm getting in strife. My therapist says I'm a text book case, take a pill, tell me about your father, wipe the tears from your face. And as I sit here, fucked to my core, and ask inane questions like "why don't I have more?" I self flagellate and see nails I've bitten, and question the ridiculous poem I have written.
Unknown Crazy
- 16 years, 8 months, 10 days ago
I knew a boy who was a little bit younger, He took my virginity and tore it asunder. Life was a series of Freudian slips, and TV and sex and Red Rooster chips. He broke my heart after Rhinoplasty, which in truth, I felt, was a little bit nasty! I was hopped to the eyeballs on Panadeine Forte, and in he traipses; declaring freedom he sought. So we parted our ways, but again recently met, and that is the tale of how I became a pet.
Unknown Crazy
- 16 years, 8 months, 19 days ago
I met a man in a psyc facility, We could not deny the electricity, We laughed at Trailer Park Boys, and took our meds to block out the noise. And now we're both out, and hangin' about, buying bikes and riding with poise.
Unknown Crazy
- 16 years, 8 months, 20 days ago