cause i'm not the only Pon and Zi fan in here... i made a lil selection .. and u can find them in my shop ;) enjoy sharing blue and yellow lil hearts ;) Unknown"Emmie"Sparkling
- 17 years, 10 days ago
"i remember, it was summer... i was out of my head and u weren't ur selfish and a waste of space..." a band i love to listen to ... every time i feel like feeling happy about being sad .. The Stils... - Still in love
every new day is a new choice.. and i choose to smile. when i forget that it's my choice, and i let others decide for me, i feel powerless and empty the whole day... so i choose to smile. how often do u smile? did your smile make someone else think that maybe there is a reason to smile? that just maybe there are happy people who have something to smile about.. and that they too can find something to smile about... i like to smile, "it confuses people" Unknown"Emmie"Sparkling
- 17 years, 21 days ago
you don't know me ... you don't wear my chaines :) i wish i knew what makes me spend so much time in the virtual world of facebook... what's your reason for logging in :) Unknown"Emmie"Sparkling
- 17 years, 1 month, 10 days ago
once apon a time there was a little girl looking for her thumbs.... to give away .. :) if anyone found them please let me know ... and give them back ;) Unknown"Emmie"Sparkling
- 17 years, 1 month, 11 days ago
i just thought that others, just as i did, searched them up... and why not havethem all in the same place :) Pon (the yellow one) and Zi (the blue one) are the swetest thing ever... Enjoy every1
..... just thought it would b nice to know that u can also find them at: this is a fan web page and at: this is jeff's own site.......