This is a Valentine's truth survey. So dont lie:
1.Do you like anyone?
2. Are you flirty:
3. Are you a player?
4. Would you get back together with any of your exes?
5. Is anyone on your top friends cute?
6. Do you want a valentine?
Yeah :(
7. Have you slept over at the opposite sex's house?:
8. Do you prefer group dates or single ones?
Single ones
10. Do you like cuddling up while watching a movie?
Depends on the moving and the mood but yeah
11. Any plans for valentines day?
No I wish
12.What's the best valentines day present for a girl?
A nice boy
13. For a guy?
It depends on the guy
14. Best valentines gift you've ever gotten?
only a card :(
15. Do you have a valentine in mind?
I did
16. Are you in love?
im trying not to be because its unrequited
17. What would be your perfect valentines day date?
I dont have a perfect date any would make me happy,a night in.
19. Flowers or chocolates?
Hmmmmm... Flowers
20. Do you believe in Valentines Day?
Yes but its never nice when you dont have a guy to share it with
21. Do you find someone highly attractive?
22. Would you have a relationship with that person? If I could I would
23. What's the person's name?
If i told you i would have to kill you
24. You're not spending the day alone are you?
Nah with Jade, ben&Jerry haha
Unknown "Beautiful" Content
- 17 years, 23 days ago