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Unknown's tales
One-Time Gangster

His adrenaline is pumping, his heart is pounding fast.
People are falling to the side as he pushes his way past.
Round a bend, jump the fence, gotta find some cover.
Waiting patiently at his hip, the cold steel of his lover.

Sirens wailing everywhere, closing in the distance.
Can't surrender now, he's putting up a resistance.
He dashes to the street, the footfalls giving chase.
Pounding down the pavement, he has to keep up his pace.

Uniforms to his left and uniforms to his right.
Straight into the intersection to make his final fight.
A crimson sky his backdrop as he wakes her from her sleep.
She greets them with a bang putting bodies in a heap.

She aims with perfection hitting all the marks in sight.
His targets are all down falling to her roaring might.
She is smoking at the mouth and gleaming in the light.
The death toll keeps on climbing on this dreadful night.

An explosion from behind him, he turns around to see.
An excrutiating pain as a bullet exits through his knee.
He falls to the ground still gripping her in his hand.
He rolls to his feet to make his dying stand.

Officers now surround him aiming for his head.
He kills a couple more but they fill his chest with lead.
His life spills out beneath him, the blood making him a bed.
This one-time gangster gone, leaving about a dozen dead.

Written By: Felix Shamkong 2:20am EST 12/3/08
Unknown "owned!" Inspired - 16 years, 11 months, 25 days ago
Last Week

The cold air reaches deep into my bones.
I am forgotten, unwanted, a memory.
The darkness weighs like a thousand stones.
Last week so many people wanted me.

Light! A glimmer of hope!
A fleeting moment as the darkness returns.
Utter abandonment, how do I cope?
Last week there were no concerns.

Each passing day my space is encroached upon.
Until I am out of sight and out of mind.
I have grown old, my tenderness gone.
Last week I was a treasure to find.

Now, the air around me could make you gag.
As the light returns one final time,
Hands envelop me and place me in a bag.
Last week I smelled just fine.

Last week I wasn't Sunday leftovers.

Written by Felix Shamkong

February 17th, 2008 10:30pm EST
Unknown "owned!" Inspired - 16 years, 11 months, 25 days ago
Craving For You

The clock on the wall haunts me.
It's slow ticking making me weary.
Patience is a virtue? More like agony.
This uncontrollable lust in me.
Destroying my focus and ability.
What's with the trembling in my knee?

My prayers have been answered as the clock strikes four.
I move in a blur as I rush for the door.
This thirsting for you has made my throat sore.
The car lurches forward as the pedal hits the floor.
Several more blocks just past the shoe store.
Soon I will hold you and miss you no more.

I long for your sweetness to taste on my tongue.
So many years have passed and to you I have clung.
You ease all my pains and the bitterness that stung.
I am now older but you make me feel young.
Over and over your praises I've sung.
And each time I've answered for each time you've rung.

I'm standing at the door, finally i'm here.
Inside I go, I know you are near.
When I hold you again, I'll handle with care.
You're everything I need, you're what I hold dear.
You make me emotional, I just shed a tear.
"Bartender the usual, give me my beer!"


Written By: Felix Shamkong 8/3/08 3am EST
Unknown "owned!" Inspired - 16 years, 11 months, 25 days ago
Like She Was Seventeen

The atmosphere of the evening was perfect,
As she gazed across at the handsome young man.
Being six years apart, was there a boundary to respect?
She had forgetten these emotions, lost in her career plan.
Tonight however, would change how things had been.
Because tonight she would feel, like she was seventeen.

Soft music played overhead setting the mood.
While the creamed mussels and calamari whetted her appetite.
She began to feel giddy, from the wine or the food?
Her heart beat rapidly from the excitement of the night.
She had denied herself this pleasure, how long had it been?
She would indulge in the moment, like she was seventeen.

All his attention was focused upon her.
The warmth in his smile reached deep into her heart.
She saw the great desire buried beneath his exterior.
And she blushed even though she knew that they would part.
She was alive and vibrant the way she had been.
She laughed and flirted, like she was seventeen.

They went to the club to dance and to drink.
She forgot all her worries and enjoyed all the action.
Their bodies pressed close and she remembered to think.
Reliving her youth was most of the attraction.
She captured the memory of what her passion had been.
And she felt young again, like she was seventeen.

Written By: Felix Shamkong 5/3/08 1:30am EST

NB: Inspired by Su Ann Chong's story. :P
Unknown "owned!" Inspired - 16 years, 11 months, 25 days ago
Midnight Encounter

The smell of your hair, the smell of your skin.
This water cannot, wash away my sin.
The marks on my neck, the marks on my back.
If only I could take those hours back.

The moments of passion, gone in a flash.
Dreams I have shattered by actions so rash.
I could not resist seeing her in lace,
The guilt and shame you can see on my face.

My conscience said no, my body said yes.
Hope I can find a way out of this mess.
Too late to reason, she already knows.
I have dealt her heart some grievous blows.

Trust I have broken, her love I have lost.
Forgiveness I ask, no matter the cost.
The answer is no, go back to that slut.
Her words are sharp and like a knife they cut.

The one I love gone, never to return.
I know that this loss will forever burn.
I have forsaken all my love for her,
Learning too late this foolish encounter.

Never again a midnight encounter.

Written By: Felix Shamkong

February 17th, 2008 3am EST
Unknown "owned!" Inspired - 16 years, 11 months, 25 days ago

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You have been given Here, have a weird fluffy thing..
Crafted by AC -
Unknown "superstar!" Sparkling - 16 years, 4 months, 6 days ago
Alexander Graesser
random comment #371) *blinded* You have been blinded
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 5 months, 23 days ago
how r u??
sorry been busy l8tly,.^^
You have been given Alone Time With Your Owner.
Crafted by Vampire Bitch
Unknown "pretty jenee" Sparkling - 16 years, 6 months, 24 days ago

You have been given I will never let you go! .
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "pretty jenee" Sparkling - 16 years, 8 months, 16 days ago

You have been given petting my baby ♥.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "pretty jenee" Sparkling - 16 years, 8 months, 28 days ago
hello felixicity!=))
how r u??
take care always..
You have been given ♥hugs & kisses♥XOXO♥.
Crafted by Kelly Chanel
Unknown "pretty jenee" Sparkling - 16 years, 9 months, 16 days ago
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Unknown's shop

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Johnnie Walker Black Gallon
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