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"The Mad Poet"
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| Herds: | ~~CANADIAN HERD~~, ***SpamtasticaL***, Spamalot, What the Points?, Saving Ass Fund, Celtic Goddess, Pussy Galore's lair, PLAN B, Sistah's Thumb Shrine, ~mAd raVinGs~, Lestat's Erotic Stories |
Needs a drool mop
"Moon Baby"
130000 pts
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Unknown's tales
Well THAT figure.. HP won't let me use any of my inventory... won't let me add music or upload pics.. nada.. GO DAMMIT FIGURE!! it goes right along with my day... grrrr I just wanna kick back for the holidays with The Captain and his buddy Jose and every time I reach for them.. something ELSE happens and I get to wait some more.. well not tonight dammit.. TONIGHT I intend to get full out blotto and post retarded things if I'm not hijacked to my bedroom by a giant 6'4" 265 lb blue eyed hunky man... SO THERE! take THAT Murphy!
Unknown "The Mad Poet" Frisky
- 16 years, 2 months, 13 days ago
Ahh the latest bout of whining... lol What to say?? the roof on the back room decided to leak with all the stupid rain we've gotten.. and the ceiling caved in.. our van blew its head gaskets.. my father in law had a heart attack (he's going to be fine they say) and nothing seems right with the world.. is it the time of year? the melancholy end to summer? I used to adore the time leading into early fall.. my favourite time of year right up to the first hard frost... but now? I don't know.. is it just a whole new level of ambivalence? I'm exploring my back to school options in the next few weeks.. but funding is limited.. so I likely won't get to take what I want to take.. and will have to "settle" instead for something I can finish in a timely manner.. *sigh* Where the hell is the rest of my fairy tale dammit!
Unknown "The Mad Poet" Frisky
- 16 years, 6 months, 27 days ago
MY CELL PHONE IS WORKING!! All I had to do was let it go dead to reboot itself I guess.. no more fatal errors.. thank hank.. felt so naked and lost without it.. disconnected even.. it was horrid.. traumatic even.. I think I need a self help group for text addicts...
Unknown "The Mad Poet" Frisky
- 16 years, 9 months, 25 days ago
MY CELL PHONE IS DEAD! all I did was drop the stupid thing.. I swear I've dropped it probably a hundred times before and its been fine.. but this time it sort of landed on its edge.. on a corner kind of?? and then I got this "fatal error" message.. and now? now its a nice paper weight.. and I'm too broke to just go get another one right off the hop.. its going to take a couple weeks.. AND I'M IN TOTAL TEXT WITHDRAWL! this isn't good folks.. I text a LOT.. daily.. sometimes hourly even.. lots and LOTS.. to the point where they're teasing me at work at lunch time for being with out it.. they all actually pulled out their phones and were pretending to text when I walked into the lunchroom last night.. SO NOT FUNNY! I feel like I'm naked!
Unknown "The Mad Poet" Frisky
- 16 years, 10 months, 12 days ago
I honestly don't know how I'm doing this night shift factory crap anymore.. by 3 am the last 2 nights I've been so tired and out of it I've been literally staggering.. its horrid.. and it never seems to get any better.. and then when I'm awake and NOT at work.. I just wanna veg.. but can't.. because the duties of being a Mom and homeowner and wife take over.. and my house looks like its falling apart.. there is dust everywhere and I don't think anyone has run the vacuum in over a week.. tonight I made dinner and consider that a small triumph.. no mac n cheese tonight! yet I find myself wanting to crawl back into bed and not bother eating.. I don't get time to be out here and thumb or do anything here really except post these bitchy whiney posts once in a while with all my wishful thinking.. its just not fair.. I always thought I could play catch up on weekends but what with the house needing stuff.. and the demands of life lately.. it just never happens.. and doesn't look like it will for the forseeable future.. *sigh* will you guys love me anyway?
Unknown "The Mad Poet" Frisky
- 16 years, 10 months, 19 days ago
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