hehe... Hi Vicki!! Nice to hear from you! Sorry to hear you've hurt your foot, all bandaged up eh, you poor darling! (Hug)! Hope that is soon right as normal! Didn't mean the Beasts line to sound rude Vicki! Your work sound great, beautiful, very caring yes, You're a good one Vicki! I love animals always did! They're great! And yea I agree, I don't have any pets at present, such a shame, but would love a cat again,(probably go for a ragdoll) and a dog, a small cutry holding would be great with a cow, a goat, part of a stream etc! Would be idyllic! hehe, hahaha Guinea pigs do make cute noises, haha, you're right there, you're a real softie aren't you! hehe, Awwww. Yes I haven't swam with Dolphins, Sharks, and Mata rays yet, but I will! I like Diving, coral reefs a re so beautiful! All the Best Take care Vicki. ;o )
- 16 years, 7 months, 14 days ago
Hello Vicki Vallance!! *smiles*!! I'm doing great thank you kind lady! :o)) How are you doing Vicki? Yeah my job(s) beat working in an office (done that, it's rubbish)! haha!..Yes animals are the best! Definately, love em! You're missing out on the swimming thing then Vicki :o(, it's also Brill! try scuba sometime! :o) Well swimming at the surface aint so great, but underneath is Brill! So you work with animals do you? Sounding good! What do you do with the beasts Vicki? :o)) Take care Beautiful! :o))