Guardian Angel
I sing this song over and over like it’s a spell for happiness
Its lyrics plays in my head again and again like a loyal friend who’ll never leave my side
Reminding me I’m not alone like a bright pink post-it note
It brings me back to life like a cup of hot chocolate
It keeps me trying to find a deeper meaning like a philosopher trying to understand life
It makes me strain to reach the high notes like a child trying to steal a cookie from the top shelf
Drowning me in sounds as if the bottom of the ocean has become a melodious heaven
Its lyrics that I will seemingly never forget like my very own name
It takes me away from reality like a dream too good to be true
Every note that plays is like a small drop of heaven
Every time it plays I can’t help but sing along like an alcoholic being drawn to alcohol
Letting it serenade me in the darkest of times
It is etched in my body, soul, and existence
Never shall I miss a beat, letting my heart sing out these lyrics that has been longing to be heard
My joy and pride let your voice be heard
Be it fate that I found you; I will never let it take you away
Tell me everything is okay, I live on your sweet lies.
Let me live another day, with the acknowledgment of you being by my side
Unknown "sepa dodel" Inspired
- 16 years, 8 months, 28 days ago