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Sarah Dubois
Sarah Dubois
"Lady Sarah"

Sarah Dubois
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Sarah's tales
Sarah Dubois
so, I was bored and rereading old posts of mine on a forum I spend all my time on, and I came across a post about a Nightmare I had a year ago. that was seriously the most frightening dream I ever had. I noticed the text isnt written very well, and I'm sorry about that.
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so I was on my way to some huuuge lake side summer house with a bunch of friends, boyfriend and daughter (ehh, wtf? XD) so we get near and all go "oooooh thats awesome" but the closer we get, the more deserted it looks. oh well. we get there and me and my daughter need to go to the bathroom, and turns out the only bathroom available is in anoher little building on the side. my daughter, boyfriend and I go togheter. the place looks like an abbandoned infirmary, so I grab a big knife just i case and we go to the bathroom.

I'm out first so I'm checking around, but its very very dark. then I feel something around me and then a large man puts his hadn on my mouth, a knife on my throat and whispers to keep quiet and to be nice. so I,m there crying and next thing I know, all 3 of us are down on the ground with our hands tied. so the man leaves and we decided to get up and untie our hand, but the man comes back pissed off yelling "I told you to stay still!". so I lie down with my daughter and holds my hands with hers and I fall asleep/pass out as my hands are being tied...

I wake up and I'm a little confused. then I realise two things are missing; my daughter and my right thumb! o_O so yeah, I'm starting to freak out and look all over the place. I go near a window (which is more like a borken off wall next to a cliff) and its all really foggy and I scream her name which was "Emily". after a moment, we decided to join back with the others but its already nightfall, so we were probably out for a few hours.

so we get in and some of our friends are in the living room with an old man. so my friend tells me "hey, where have you been? We wanted to introduce someone to you, someone else has a twin, like you." Not sure exactly what happened next, but my boyfriend figures out that this man IS thre man who attacked us in the other building, so the man takes off some sort of mask and killing ensued. the next long bit of nightmarre was like your usual slasher movie where the badguy starts killing people in very original ways and stuff.

at the end, the man was chasing me and I got to the kitchen, but 2 friends grabbed on to him and held him down. so I grabbed every dangerous objects I could find and tried bashing him in the head with knives and screwdriver or whatever, but he got free anyway and started chasing me. I started running down the stairs but there was fire everywhere and then he got really close to me. I think for the first time of my life, I forced myself to wake up...

I was all hot and sweaty -____-;;

I think I did this dream before....
< BR>i remember waking up in tears. I couldnt put the fear into words...
Sarah Dubois "Lady Sarah" Sparkling - 17 years, 1 month ago

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Requiem for a Dream

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