OK, I've done it. I swore that I wouldn't but it's too late. I'm now hooked on Big Brother '08. Damn you Channel 10! *sigh*
Unknown "Butterfly" Tired
- 16 years, 10 months, 4 days ago
I just don't get why some people take delight in nastiness. The idealist in me prefers to believe that all people are basically good. The realist in me knows otherwise. I am a grown up, sticks and stones and all of that. And insults over facebook well, pathetically immature anyhow. It just saddens me when I'm reminded of negativity in the world.
Unknown "Butterfly" Tired
- 16 years, 11 months, 19 days ago
Bootcamp. I'm 5 weeks in and today for the first time I actually feel like I've made progress. Anyone who knows me knows this whole attitude to exercise is a total shift for me. I'm determined.
Unknown "Butterfly" Tired
- 16 years, 11 months, 23 days ago
I am so grateful for the 29th of february. It's given me an extra day in my 30's. Come Saturday my life begins, or I'm over the hill. *sigh* I need hugs
Unknown "Butterfly" Tired
- 17 years, 8 days ago
There's a boy who has grown into a mature, funny, handsome, young man who I am so proud to call my son. He's now ready for the world and he's going to do just fine. Happy 18th Birthday Joshua. I love you Xx
Unknown "Butterfly" Tired
- 17 years, 16 days ago