
Name: |
Charlene Champagne Barnard, 34/Female
Last login: | over 3 weeks ago |
Local time: | 2:21 PM |
Join date: | 17 years, 6 months, 5 days ago |
Location: | Perth (the Middle Of Nowhere) Australia
"HELOOO floor! make me a sammich!!!" |
About me:
Always thrilled to meet new people! ^^ so welcome I guess.
I’m a total nerd I love anime, computers and can never say no to a well thought out verbal joust :P
I’m an exhibitionist, at times, just for the fun of it and I enjoy people’s reactions.
I'm South African and hellish proud of it!
Alright now take a quick look directly up from this paragraph, thats a picture of my owner Michael. ok now take a longer look? got it? got it? good now you know who he is and who you should look up to. That boy is like my personal god, he is amazing and i don't care who you are, where your're from or how many people you are from a direct connection from Chuck Norris, you will never be as cool as him, period. He is my best friend and the most amazing person you're ever likely to come across...
I enjoy being totally spontaneous, social and I just generally trying to make things more exciting!
So be a legend and leave me a comment! Have an awesome one ladies and gents!
I’m craving sushi...... hmmmmmmmmmm
About you:
id like to meet ichigo and ulquoria lolz but seriously just someone interesting
I'm happy to talk to just about anyone but seriously stop asking me for sexy-fun blah blah blah nonsense. I've got a boyfriend and besides cyber sex is tackier then a 80cent blow job from the neighbourhood Trannie.
- no offence to trannies, i love you guys/girls ;D -
Looking for: | Friendship |
Orientation: | Straight
| Herds: | Nerds are Sexy, Intellectual Experimentalists, Missfits, The Mighty Boosh, Bleach Warriors, Wii-Tards, MUSE, ask me random questions, Geeks Anonymous (aka NerdHerd), Sexy Dorks, ©ӐԼԼ ƬĦĘ ƁĘĄƱŦƗƑƱԼ ŞƗŊŊĘƦŞ™, Rocky Horror Picture Show, HP FAMILY | |
Charlene's tales
Not too long ago I was privileged enough to go to Cambodia for a little over a month. I went to go work in an orphanage to teach English. Words cannot possibly describe how amazing the experience was. Now if you know me personally, you'll realise that I've been luck enough to have lived and travelled right around the world but I've never felt quite as foreign as I have in Cambodia. Everyone is so welcoming and would happily share what little they have with you. from eating cockroaches from a street vendor to falling out of tuc-tuc and everything in between, it is undoubtedly one of the best most humbling experiences of my life. but as cliche as it sounds it was my work in the school that was the best thing about my trip, my kids were so naughty but i loved each one of them and i still constantly look back to the letters they gave me before i left and think about them hoping they're not giving the other volunteers trouble. without hesitation I'd recommend it to anyone. I have put a link at the bottom of another volunteer who worked at the same orphanage, this video barely skims the surface of the hardship a lot of the kids faced... i'm not trying to change the world here but if only one person walks away from reading this a little bit more appreciative with what they have I'll have achieved something http://current.com/groups/culture/89015252_cambodian-orphanage.htm peace, love & respect
Charlene Champagne Barnard Adventurous
- 14 years, 7 months, 16 days ago
I was recently told of a quote by Steven Covy (the author of: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) that the enemy of the great is not the bad or mediocre but the good. This profound statement applies to society as a whole, think about it, how many of the hoi polloi are willing to settle for only “the good”; a house in the suburbs, a car or two and the occasional family holiday. Ask your self why aren’t more people striving for “the great” a massive apartment in the city, a few summer houses scattered around the world, perhaps a multi-million dollar empire? Well the masses may tell you that’s what they strive for but honestly when it comes down to the grind, they have just settled for “good”. Ladies and gentlemen “good” is not good enough! Think about your partner, your career choice and the goals you set for yourself, have you confined yourself to the comfort bubble of doing ‘ok’ or are you constantly pushing yourself to achieve greater and do better?
Charlene Champagne Barnard Adventurous
- 15 years, 6 months, 2 days ago
i've come up with a theory today that people are the most beautiful when they yawn.... this glorious of basic human actions that we have no real control over; shows just that, that we all are human. i suppose this idea springs from a new years resolution of mine, to see the lost beauty in all things. i know far too often i forget this and choose to see the negitive but i am trying... i love watching people yawn; watching the deap intracasy of the contortions of the human face play out. the fact that a yawn is also somewhat contagious also makes me smille, it certainly adds to the charm of the idea. all people are beautiful and i just wish more people would recognise that, not only in others but themselves; myself included.... what a simple act a mere yawn is, but isnt the genuis of most things' beauty found in their simplictiy? So Ladies and Gentelmen, wont u please join me in taking a BIG involintairy gulp of air?
Charlene Champagne Barnard Adventurous
- 16 years, 7 months, 29 days ago
ummm that shop over there?!
i asume im gonna have random stuff in here so have a look and treat a pet....
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