So today my Korean assistant gasped as she was leaving to take the children home. "Oh my gosh! You have black circles under your eyes!!! Are you ok? Are you sick?" My American coworker said he didn't notice anything... but I wouldn't doubt that they are there.
As I've said, I have consistantly been waking up at about 530-630 EVERY DAY regardless of the time I go to sleep -_- So if I pass out at 2am... I don't to get sleep very well. I think I read somewhere that having disturbed sleep can take as many years off your life as a certain amount of smoking...
I think my sleep problems can be linked to work problems. My school is being so idiotic, I just dread going in every day. I didn't feel like this before. I love the kids and work was pleasant, now I just don't want to go anywhere near the school...
So maybe I'll look goth in a few days... or at least like Ralph Machio (However his name is spelled)...
And I had to edit this because of my errors, maybe they are sleep related too -_-
Unknown "AmeriCorean Cat " Sleepy
- 16 years, 7 months, 26 days ago