You are free to rethumb/repost in $$THE$BANK$MACHINE$$. Make sure you thumb all pages. Then you can post your 60 posts after being told to do so. Make sure I have added my 6 posts in between users before you begin to post. Number your posts 1-60. Do NOT post until i know you are there and say the worde Go. The first time you are there, you must thumb the additional pages of my posts at the back end. When you are finished thumbing, come to the front and make one comment saying you are waiting. (not while someone is in the middle of posting)
- 17 years, 1 month, 25 days ago
Join $$THE$BANK$MACHINE$$ now! Limited membership! Buy a membership from my store for 1000pts, then give it to yourself. When I approve you I will check to see that you have done so.