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"My Kitty"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds: I <3 Kitty's, ANIME LOVERS, Gamers are sexy

"Mr. Artistic"
25500 pts

"Scorpion King"
1000 pts

"The Noble Knight"
50 pts
Unknown's tales
So, today is Friday. I should be feeling all 'Wewt wewt, weekend!', but...I'm not. See, I'm currently proceeding into my second TDY right after the first down in California. Thats not so bad; Cali is nice and warm after being in cold and rainy Washington, and I totally welcome the break. No, I was just told earlier today that I would be working tomorrow, and that I had to be ready to go at 6...AM. -.-'

I mean seriously. We haven't even been told what we're going to be doing, and the others that are supposed to be with us are here either. Just...get up and go. Its rather irritating. It may be the Army, and I know a TDY isn't supposed to be treated like a vacation, but I'd like to know what I'm going to be doing before I go and do it.

Anyways, thats my tale for the day I suppose. Oh, and I'll be gone until..umm...April 29th I believe. Yeah, its a rather long TDY, but eh. I guess when I look at it, the pros outnumber the cons.
Unknown "My Kitty" Trusting - 16 years, 11 months, 14 days ago
So, this is my first tale and I think its a rather nice one to start off with. :)

I knew today was going to be a hectic day at work when I got there; Lab Samples, ISPs, Receipt Inspections, and on top of all of that I had to go and do a PMI for the M-16 Range that I am qualifying on on Wednesday. Now, due to me going to the range I was forced to cancel a week long class that I had been asking for since June of last year, and that as you can imagine got me pretty ticked off. I mean, almost a year that I waited and now I gotta wait longer to get it done. I'm always being told that I need to increase my Military Education points, and that was one way I could get a bit done.

Anyways, I go out to do my ISPs for today around 8:10 and get back at 10:00, which gives me an hour to put in my reports and an hour for lunch. So I'm thinking yeah, I can do this and still have plenty of time to eat... Haha, not! When everything was said and done, it was 11:20. I still had to put my equipment together (which I found out when I got to the place that I didn't even need it) and go get something to eat. Okay. Scramble to get something to eat, eat it, and put my stuff together. Whoa, I still have 30 minutes to get there! So I decide to get to the PMI place early, cause I don't know really know where it is and don't know how early I have to be there.

Now here is the point of this entire tale. I get there, sign in, and see equipment sitting on the ground next to three 1st Lieutenants; just enough for them. I think, oh let me go get mine, so I leave to go back to my truck to get it. Just before I get to the door of the building, I'm stopped by a man working in the facility who wants a closer look and my Name Tape. Okay; I show it to him, and he goes 'Whoa, thats my last name too!'. I blink and smile politely, not really knowing what to say. Then he asks where I'm from. Texas. Once again, he's like 'No way, me too!'. At this point I'm thinking, No, it can't be.... One more question; Where did you grow up? Seguin. Hes almost hysterical is the only word I can think of, and says 'Wow, so did I!'. Last question; who are your parents and relatives? So I list off my dads name and some of my uncles, and he stops me and says he is cousins with those people. Click; hes cousins with my dad and uncles, so that makes him my second cousin...NO WAY! By chance and in no way (in my opinion) coincidental, I had stumbled upon a family member I never knew I Washington! After I did my PMI, I went back to his office and we chatted for a while, just sharing stuff about back home and what not, and I left feeling a bit better about this state. :)

Oh and Nicole if you read this, guess what? My cousins name is Robert, and his fathers name is also Robert. Know what that means? Remember how your Mom and Ms. Heckmann were always asking me if I was related to a Robert McHaney that used to be the Band Director at Navarro? Well that would be my cousins father, who would also be my Great Uncle...meaning I was related to him all along! Mystery finally solved, huh? :D Yayness!!!!
Unknown "My Kitty" Trusting - 16 years, 12 months, 2 days ago

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Jorge Lujan Menchaca

You have been given Owner and pet... 4ever.
Crafted by Jorge Lujan Menchaca
Jorge Lujan Menchaca "George Lunkan!" Trusting - 16 years, 6 months, 14 days ago
Chris Coburn
hehe glad you liked em! xD
Chris Coburn "Muffin" Naughty - 16 years, 6 months, 18 days ago
Chris Coburn
Not only pocky, but, but, but a NINJA SUIT TOO!!! xD
You have been masked in a ninja suit.
Chris Coburn "Muffin" Naughty - 16 years, 6 months, 20 days ago
Chris Coburn
Pocky for you!!
You have been fed pocky snacks.
Chris Coburn "Muffin" Naughty - 16 years, 6 months, 20 days ago
Back and already on HP! LOL!
James "CYBER DILDO" - 16 years, 10 months, 12 days ago
Where are you from originally?
James "CYBER DILDO" - 16 years, 10 months, 14 days ago
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