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Lala owns this human at 95305 points.


"Mean owner ouch!"

Lala , 35/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:4:33 PM
Join date:17 years, 2 months, 9 days ago
Location: Taiwan

"I'm the Night Animal under the Twilight!!!~"
About me:
I used to be like you...but I just want to say...there's a much much MUCH bigger world outside for you to see the reality. Online...hurts...really hurts... been there,done that, experienced it. I met a guy online 3 years ago, who I...almost engaged to.... we chat online whenever we can...lasted for almost 2 years... then we started talking more on phone (long-distant calls) and for many times we had the chance to meet...he got no guts... I questioned about our situation a lot... but at that time...for some reason...I had this great faith upon him... even though he steals, he fights, he drinks, used to do drugs, already have kids of his own though he's not married... (A Complete opposite person of who I am), I only see the positive side of him. Am I brain-washed?...I still don't know... I DID love him. One day, he said to me on the phone quite seriously, saying " a girl pregnant..." I kept silent, but then he laughed so naturally... it hurt me even more when I found out, it was NOT a joke afterall...(the girl is already 7 months pregnant, when he told me the truth), I left completely without saying "let's break up" or "goodbye"... i know he is still crazy for me, 'cause he still tries his best to contact me in any single way, to say how much he regret.... all I can say is... yes, I can forgive him, but I can't love him... because he is exactly the kind of person I always try to avoid. He always tell me, "Woman are one in a dime, in a dozen, but you are one in a zillion." so you, my dear friend, you may be a complete stranger to me, but I'm just writing this to you, because I don't want you ending up being like me...for your own good. Love is always dangerous. May Peace be upon you and God bless. P.S. I met this guy = my ex on Human thanks...
About you:
Anyone EXCEPT: perverts, racist, and other species that hates me
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): Social Butterfly
Herds: VIP - Very Important Pets, Human Pets Success Stories, ♥LOVERS LOUNGE♥
"Mean owner ouch!"
95305 pts
Lala's tales
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Sometimes I still wonder, why he loved me. If you know who I'm refferring to, please let him know that I will always pray for him. New life, new world, we just all have to move on. It's not a goodbye, but rather a thank you ^^ for once being a part of me.
Lala "Mean owner ouch!" Loving - 12 years, 12 months, 3 days ago
A NOTE to ALL On-liners:
Life is a drama
We're all actors and actress


Long time no see....

surprising, eh? ^^ haha, I know...been sooooooooooooooo long I haven't write on here....

well, my be honest, ^^ it's not something I really wanna share about

been through a lot that I don't deserve, those rollercoaster rides, both knees got operated, suffered from severe reactional/reasonal depression, a dramatic relationship with my ex... are all history...

^^ BUT... I must say, if I didn't experience all those, there wouldn't be the me today, and because of all these...I am stronger.

^^ December 6th, 2009...offically Baptized and become a Christian. I thank God for saving me. NOT giving the old me back, but a brand new me. ^^ Many people who sees me now, said "What an amazing grace!"

^^ Life with God is exciting. Every day is brand new and every day is filled with different surprises.

^^ I believe 2010 is a year where I can share God's love with everyone, and that life will be more peaceful, gain love and happiness.

From now on, this Blog won't be posting things about my personal life...but it'll be things about Christianity

and/or... a novel I'm working on....

my novel is about my past life, but main focus is on my ex-relationship....because it is what brought me to God.

At first, people may not enjoy this novel because it kinda starts of with strong negative emotions, but it changes throughtout with a happy ending.

I have fans from Facebook, saying that they like the idea of this novel, because it can help them know more about God's love and human's love upon each other.

Some people may feel as if I'm using this book as evidents to court some characters in my book, however, the purpose of this book is not to be a weapon. This book is suppose to be a healer to those who are suffering like the was me, who are struggling with life, love or relationship. My life is what brought me into motivation of wanting to become a phychologist, in able to help people. This is how this book comes along.

If you want to know more about the past me, you are more than welcome to check me out


^^ a girl met a guy online, and they started to have love involve...the guy wanted the girl to visit him and get married...but the girl all virtual

and the guy ends up cheating on her...

like one true story about what happened to me in the past

the reason i'm writing this book, is to educate young girls not to end up being like the was me....

'cause no one deserves to get hurt


(FACEBOOK - Official pae that got banned)

I used to be like you...but I just want to say...there's a much much MUCH bigger world outside for you to see the reality.

Online...hurts...really hurts...
been there,done that, experienced it.
I met a guy online 3 years ago, who I...almost engaged to....
we chat online whenever we can...lasted for almost 2 years... then we started talking more on phone (long-distant calls)
and for many times we had the chance to meet...he got no guts...
I questioned about our situation a lot... but at that time...for some reason...I had this great faith upon him...
even though he steals, he fights, he drinks, used to do drugs, already have kids of his own though he's not married...
(A Complete opposite person of who I am), I only see the positive side of him.
Am I brain-washed?...I still don't know... I DID love him.
One day, he said to me on the phone quite seriously, saying " a girl pregnant..."
I kept silent, but then he laughed so naturally...
it hurt me even more when I found out, it was NOT a joke afterall...(the girl is already 7 months pregnant, when he told me the truth),
I left completely without saying "let's break up" or "goodbye"...
i know he is still crazy for me, 'cause he still tries his best to contact me in any single way, to say how much he regret....
all I can say is...
yes, I can forgive him, but I can't love him...
because he is exactly the kind of person I always try to avoid.
He always tell me, "Woman are one in a dime, in a dozen, but you are one in a zillion."

so you, my dear friend, you may be a complete stranger to me,

but I'm just writing this to you, because I don't want you ending up being like me...for your own good.
Love is always dangerous.

May Peace be upon you and God bless.

~Anne~ (add me if you want, Lala Bella =

though I may be only 19...I experience a lot because God created life isn't life in Vancouver, life in Taiwan, life in Halifax and life back at Taiwan... it's all different...a huge rollercoaster...but if I didn't experience the pain, the suffer, the bitterness...there wouldn't be the me today, and I thank God for saving me for many many many times. I was that little lost lamb...but not anymore. Jesus, you are the Savior! Amen!

P.S. I'm working on publishing my biography...New Year resolution
December 31, 2009 at 9:20pm


Facebook Fans responses:

KirsTen Tweek ッ FreeMan i took the time to read this.. and i really think these important facts will help me along my life i am 12 years old and i really think this will help =)
January 3 at 10:40pm

Shannon Peng yeah.. life is tough..
but facing your problem will make everything a lot easier than avoiding it.
January 12 at 11:09pm

Anna Garey Degads. A history, indeed. It sucks, yes. I had to tell a guy I really wanted (still want? I dunno) no, too. Different reasons, same kind of sucky. It's not even an option now. I have no idea if I'm over it or not. He doesn't consume my thoughts, but I think of him often, and I still love him in some way. I think just as a friend. >.< I hate not knowing my own feelings. Maybe I'll sort them out someday.

Stay strong, luv. You did the right thing. That man, in his current state, is not good for you. Stay away. I hope God helps him, that he lets God help him.

Some people don't understand that it's when things get sucky that you need God the most. That He isn't going to make things all peachy keen, all puppies and kittens and rainbows. He promised to walk with us through the crappy times, not make sure we didn't have any crappy times. Most of our crappy times seem to happen because of people screwing up, and God doesn't mess with free will. He'll whack us over the head, but He won't force us to do anything, and that just makes me love him more.

And I'm rambling. I think.

I'll pray for you. God bless your efforts on that book. I'd like to read it when you're done.

P.S. I think you're right about the addiction thing.
February 9 at 9:58am

Liyana Azo If your book comes out, please let us know :'|
sorry there's nothing much for me to say, still caught up on your writings above...
Thu at 8:46pm

u r such a good writer
real good
Lala "Mean owner ouch!" Loving - 14 years, 9 months, 4 days ago

Anne Peng:
Most people have heard of the phrase "Don't worry, be happy", but does this phrase really exist?
Today, this speech will make you change your oppinion, and learn about Dale Carnegie's philosophy.


Part One
Fundamental (Basic) facts you should know about worry 基本秘訣
Live in the box of TODAY.只生活在今天的方格中
Face and Solve your problem: 面對且解決問題
Ask yourself, "What is the worst that can possibly happen if I can't solve my problem 問自己:做壞情況是什麼?
Then calmly try to improve upon the worst-which you have already mentally agreed to accept. 接受它 並設法改善
Remind yourself that worry and stress is unhealthy. It can cause illness. 提醒自己 憂慮會嚴重危害你的健康


Part Two
Basic techniques in analyzing worry 分析憂慮秘訣
Get the facts. 收集所有事實資料
After carefully weighing all the facts, come to a decision. 衡量事實 做出決定
Once a decision is carefully reached, act! 做出決定後 立即行動
Write out and answer the following questions: 寫出並回答以下問題:

What is the problem? 界定問題
What is the cause of the problem? 身討原因
What are all possible solutions? 可能方案
What is the best solution? 最佳選擇


Part Three
How to break the worry habit before it breaks you 消除憂慮秘訣
Keep yourself busy and motivative. 保持忙碌
Don't fuss about little things. 不要為小事煩惱
Use the law of averages to outlaw your worries. 用可能發生的然率排除它
Accept true facts that can't be avoid. 接受不可避免的事實
Keep stress to a limit. 設定憂慮的底限 拒絕讓它蔓延
Leave the past, live in present and move on. 不要憂慮過去的事


Part Four
Seven ways to cultivate a mental attitude that will bring you peace and happiness 追求快樂秘訣
Let's fill our minds with thoughts of peace, courage, health, and hope, for "our life is what our thoughts make it." 心中滿懷: 平安 勇敢 健康 與 希望
Let's never try to get even with our enemies, because if we do we will hurt ourselves far more than we hurt them. 永遠不要對敵人心存報復
Suppose the norms don't know about gratitude. 預期一般人都不知感恩
Count your blessings-not your troubles! 盤算你得到的恩惠 而非你的煩惱
Let's not imitate others. Let's find ourselves and be ourselves. 不要模仿他人
When fate hands us a lemon, let's try to make a lemonade. 設法從失敗中獲益
Let's cheer yourself up-by trying to create a little happiness for others. "When you are good to others, you are best to yourself." 為他人創造喜悅


Part Five
The perfect way to conquer worry: 克服憂慮最完美的方法:
Prayer 祈禱


Part Six
How to keep from worrying about criticism
Unjust criticism is often a disguised compliment. 不合理的批評 往往是掩飾的讚美
Do the very best you can. 凡是全力以赴
Let's keep a record of the fool things we have done and criticize ourselves. Since we can't hope to be perfect-let's ask for unbiased, helpful, constructive criticism. 凡事先分析自己的錯誤 並自我批評


Part Seven
Six ways to prevent fatigue and worry and keep your energy and spirits high 保持活力秘訣
Rest before you get tired. 疲勞之前先休息
Learn to relax at your work. 學習工作時保持輕鬆
Learn to relax at home. 在家時保持輕鬆 以維護健康
Practice good workings habits-be a time master.養成良好的工作習慣 成為時間的主人
Put enthusiasm into your work. 提高工作熱忱
Remember, no one was ever killed by lack of sleep. It is worrying that does the damage.不要擔憂失眠


Anne Peng:
It's easier said than done, when people say "Don't worry, be happy". It should really be: "Be happy, to NOT worry". Don't you agree?

For more information, check up
Lala "Mean owner ouch!" Loving - 15 years, 2 months, 17 days ago
I used to be like you...but I just want to say...there's a much much MUCH bigger world outside for you to see the reality.

Online...hurts...really hurts...been there,done that, experienced it.
I met a guy online 3 years ago, who I...almost engaged to.... we chat online whenever we can...lasted for almost 2 years... then we started talking more on phone (long-distant calls) and for many times we had the chance to meet...he got no guts... I questioned about our situation a lot... but at that time...for some reason...I had this great faith upon him... even though he steals, he fights, he drinks, used to do drugs, already have kids of his own though he's not married... (A Complete opposite person of who I am), I only see the positive side of him.
Am I brain-washed?...I still don't know... I DID love him.
One day, he said to me on the phone quite seriously, saying " a girl pregnant..." I kept silent, but then he laughed so hurt me even more when I found out, it was NOT a joke afterall, the girl was already 7 months pregnant...I left completely without saying "let's break up" or "goodbye"... i know he is still crazy for me, 'cause he still tries his best to contact me in any single way, to say how much he regret.... all I can say is... yes, I can forgive him, but I can't love him...because he is exactly the kind of person I always try to avoid. He always tell me, "Woman are one in a dime, but you are one in a zillion."

so you, my dear friend, you may be a complete stranger to me, but I'm just writing this to you, because I don't want you ending up being like me...for your own good. Love is always dangerous.

May Peace be upon you and God bless.

~Anne~ (add me if you want, Lala Bella =

though I may be only 19...I experience a lot because God created life isn't life in Vancouver, life in Taiwan, life in Halifax and life back at Taiwan... it's all different...a huge rollercoaster...but if I didn't experience the pain, the suffer, the bitterness...there wouldn't be the me today, and I thank God for saving me for many many many times. I was that little lost lamb...but not anymore. Jesus, you are the Savior! Amen!

P.S. I'm working on publishing my biography...New Year resolution
Lala "Mean owner ouch!" Loving - 15 years, 2 months, 17 days ago
Today = December 6th, 2009, I'm OFFICALLY a Baptised Christian!Share
Sunday, December 6, 2009 at 3:18pm | Edit Note | Delete
Baptism Ceremony held at my college - Sheng-Te Christian College

Agenda of Baptism Ceremony:
From 9am to 12pm

Praise - Congregation
Announcements - Presider
Prayer - Presider
Offering - Sing
Scripture Reading - (Luke 19:1-10) - Congregation
Message - (Wonderful Salvation) - Rev.J.Lee
Baptism - Rev. Julie Yang
Presentation of Gifts - President Grace Lee

Testimonies - (Newly Baptized) - Anne Peng

Special Music - Ministers
Communion - Rev.J.Lee
Benediction - Rev.J.Lee
Amen Song - Congregation

Today we are having Baptism Service.
Those being Baptized are: Anne Peng, Yu-Tzu Hsu and Yu-ting Chiu.
May God bless their new lives.
After the Baptism, we will have communion, so please prepare your hearts.

We welcome the members from Shin-Shing Church who are worshipping with us today.

On December 9th, 2009 (Wednesday) at 7:30pm, Studio Classroom will have their Christmas Rally at Chung-Yuan Christian University. You can get free tickets from Simon Hu.

On December 20th, 2009 (Sunday) at 7:00pm, the Bible Church will be holding an evangelistic Christmas activity on the 4th floor of Chapel Memorial Auditorium. Please Pray for the preparations for the event, the funds, the weather, gospel literature...etc.

Pray for God's guidance and blessings for next year's service, activities and plans.
We want to walk with God in all our plans.

The Sunday morning English Bible Study starts at 10:50am on the 4th floor of the Universal Peace Building. Everyone is welcome to attend.

The Bible Church Women's Fellowship will meet after the church service at 11am in the Chaplain's office. All women are welcome.

Every Wednesday evening from 6 to 7pm, an English Bible Study on Revelation will be held in the International House 207. Miss Bowers is the teacher. Everyone is welcome to join.


Pray for Hannah Wang's health.
Mother Chu is at home recovering from intestinal problems. Please pray that God would give her peace in her heart.
Please pray for Mrs.Nichols' health.
Please pray for Melva Hash's mother. She has hematomas in her abdomen and swelling in her legs.

Anne's speech when giving testimonies:

Peace to all Brothers and Sisters.
We are now a big family.
First let me give a simple introduction of myself.

My name is Shih-Ya Peng.
I immigrated to Vancouver, Canada when I was 5.
At age 13, I came back to Taiwan for Junior High.
I must say,
during those 3 years,
it really wasn't easy for me at all.
It was hard-working and painful.

In my first year,
another shock came upon in my life,
I had both of my knees operated.
At that time, I always think to myself,
"Why is my life so unfortunate?"
That's when I suffered from depression,

that's when I also started to pray to God,
and have faith in Him.

Then after graduating from Junior High,
I entered Chi-Ying Senior Business High School.
During those months,
God led my life, by telling me,
studying in the field of Beauty and Hair-dressing, is NOT suitable for me.

Therefore, I gave up on it, and I went back to Canada.
Now I'm finally here at Sheng-te,
after graduating senior high.

I'm here to say,
Thank you, Lord
If it wasn't You,
who taught me to walk through difficulties and challenge myself,
there wouldn't be the me today.
Thank you, Lord
for accepting me as Your daughter today.
Now, I'm the brand new me.

God loves you all.
Thank you.


Mom said
she been crying since she sat down the very moment when the ceremony started
cried even harder, when I start giving my speech
Dad cried, too when I was giving my speech

I didn't cry until the end of my speech,
but my voice obviously shows that I was trying hard to hold back my tears
good thing, Priest Yang, gave me bunch of tissues before hand.

Today, is one of the very touching moment in everyone's life.

After the ceremony,
we all took pictures.
It was a honor to have picture taken with my Priest, Priest Yang.
As well as, President Grace Lee, and the other 2 newly Baptized sisters.

Then I was surprised when one of the staff in our school, gave me a pink rose, to congratulate me.
Followed up, I received card from:
President Grace Lee, my home room teacher = Miss Melva Hash, Mr and Mrs. Schultz
Though I was never taught by Mrs.Schultz, I'm very happy that she came to celebrate this big special day with us

then I received 2 gifts:
President Grace Lee gave me 3 books, all related to Christianity, one book in particular, is for the newly Baptized Christians.
I'm glad that those 3 books are easy to read and with big printings and simple words.
As most of you know
^^ my Chinese is not as well as my English.
Miss Hash gave me a CD, of where children in a choir sings Gospel songs, Christmas Songs
It's very sweet of her.

Today is one of my most happiest day in my life.
Jesus, I love you!

Lala "Mean owner ouch!" Loving - 15 years, 2 months, 17 days ago
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